Talking New York --- New Yorkで見つけた英語




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Music Under New York (MUNY) is a part of the Arts & Design program by the Metropolitan Transportation Authority (MTA) that schedules musical performances in transportation hubs across its rapid transit, ferry, and commuter rail systems. 





Music Under New York

Every year hundreds of musicians audition to receive a permit to perform in the New York City subway system. 


60 artists were invited to audition.

These are three of team.


I meant to be a singer. I'm ment to be a world-class singer if I'm able to play my music all  
around the world. Once I start playing and people start crowding, oh my god, this is amazing because they love what I do. 


I think what makes a good subway musician is a combination of talent theatricality and understanding of the environment. Here's an experience that you didn't buy a ticket for. You weren't expecting. It's the magic of the unexpected and the intimacy of hearing somebody and maybe missing your train taking the next one because you want to hear another song.  


I'm from Venice where carnival is really big. There's a lot of masks, a lot of costumes, a lot of 
makeup, so I was trying to put myself into my music. And these were part of myself.   So, when I was 15 , my mother gave me a book with a story of Queen. And I was to be that good, I need to go to the US so I moved to LA from Venice. I make sure it's like a rock opera, meaning like there's some rock songs that sounds like Queen like mules and some opera parts that sounds like power of tea. 


I just love to sing and I love to share my talent with the world.  I always wanted audition,   I always wanted to do it, so I just said, this year I'm going, I'm not going to let anything stop me despite the embarrassment. Just what people think about it. I'm just gonna go into it, take a risk. Whoever knows, maybe Jay-Z or maybe P・Diddy may walk through or someone may discover me and take me to the next level. 


We want to spread our music to the whole world, but we got to start somewhere so we're gonna start the city of New York.


I've been playing in the subway since I was 14 or 15, now,I'm 20 and I wanted to start playing in the big station like 42nd Grand Station, so I came out to get the permit. I love sharing my music because what we do is we play classical and hip-hop and pop  R&B everything mixed together, and people just love that type of music. Right now, I'm studying music performance.  I want to travel all over the world with this band. And all the money I get from the subway pay my college tuition. My goal is to play every single large venue in the United States and then spread out to the whole world. 


MisTyがタイムズスクェア駅で出会ったミュージシャンはこの人たち。Alex LoDico Ensemble(アレックス・ロディコ・アンサンブル)。フェリーの駅ではバイオリンを演奏する日本人男性もいました。




