I'm Andrea Parker, executive director of the Gowanus Canal Conservancy.
For the past 13 years, Gowanus Canal Conservancy has been working with neighbors to care for Gowanus from planting street trees to working with middle school students to design green infrastructure for their school campuses. Now, the neighborhood is at a critical turning point. There's federal superfund clean-up, a major city rezoning, and a massive influx of private real estate investment.
Over the next 10 years, Gowanus will be transformed. The canal will be much cleaner. There will be higher density mixed use and public esplanade along the northern waterfront. And there will be real investment in parks, streets and other public spaces with the right involvement of the community. We see a lot of potential in this change. The critical question is whether this transformation will serve the existing community.
We must ensure the community speaks with a loud and unified voice about our priorities for the public realm. In partnership with community members and spape landscape architects, we are developing and advocating for the Gowanus lowlands master plan, a comprehensive vision for parks and public spaces centered on the canal. This evolving plan is the result of four years of intensive outreach and coalition building of the stakeholders throughout the neighborhood.
The Gowanus Wolens master plan captures everything we are learning from community members. An incredibly important component of this vision is how to integrate storm water and sewage management. The Superfund will only do so much. Raw sewage will continue to overflow into the canal unless the right measures are taken.
Now is a critical time. The city's rezoning plan must include key components of the Gowanus lowlands vision. The first draft assures us that officials are listening and have incorporated many of these ideas but there's much more to do. We need to ensure that the city keeps listening to the community through the time that City Council votes on the plan and the mayor signs off on it, through years of our mediation and construction and through the time the EPA declares the Gowanus clean and goes home. We will be here, and we will continue this work. But we need your help over the next year you need to get involved.
今が重大な時です。市のリゾーニング計画には、ゴワナスの低地に関するヴィジョンの中心的な要素を入れなければなりません。最初の概要で市が住民の話を聞いて、そのアイデアの多くを取り入れてくれたと我々は確信しましたが、もっとずっと多くのことをやらなければなりません。我々は市議会が(この計画が実行されるべき方向に)投票して市長が承認のサインし、何年も調停と建設を繰り返し、EPA(Economic Planning Agency---経済企画庁)がゴワナスがきれいになって戻ってくることを宣言する段階になるまで、市は熱心に地域の言うことに耳を傾けているということを確かめなければなりません。我々はここにいます。そして我々はこの運動を続けます。しかし来年も関わり続けるために皆さんの支援が必要です。
Make your voice heard at public meetings. Talk to your neighbors about sewage management. Support our work to advocate for city policy and to design a resilient livable and green Gowanus for all. Together, we can ensure that one of the dirtiest water bodies in the country becomes the center of a groundbreaking sustainable equitable and vibrant neighborhood.
ご自分の声をパブリックミーティングに届けましょう。地域で下水管理について話しましょう。市の政策を進め、回復力があって、住める、そして緑の多い皆のためのゴワナスを造るための我々の活動を支援してください。私たちは合衆国で最も汚れている水域のひとつが、画期的で、環境の優しく、 公正な、活力のある地域となることを一緒に確実なものとすることができるのです。
(これらの画像は"The New York Times"からのゴワナス地区の画像です。)