今日は、直接ワイヤーカッターのサイトの"About Us"に書かれた内容を読みます。
原文と画像はこちらです。About Us | Wirecutter
Wirecutter strives to be the most trusted product recommendation service on the internet. We obsessively test and report on thousands of items each year to recommend the best of everything. Our goal is to save you time and eliminate the stress of shopping, whether you’re looking for everyday gear or gifts for loved ones. We work with total editorial independence. That means nothing appears on the site as a recommendation unless our writers and editors have deemed it the best through our rigorous reporting and testing. Wirecutter was founded in September 2011 and acquired by The New York Times Company in October 2016.
Our reviews take weeks or months of research and years of experience. In addition to relying on our own expertise, we gather interviews and data from the best sources around, including engineers, scientists, designers, and innumerable subject-matter experts, ranging from barbers to cat café staff (and residents) to cornhole champions. And we pore over customer reviews to find out what matters to real people who already own and use the things we’re assessing. In a world where overpriced, top-of-the-line models loaded with junk features are often seen as the gold standard, we aim to recommend high-quality things that warrant their price and don’t push extra features you’ll rarely use.
Our process is often fascinating and fun (imagine creating an obstacle course for robot vacuums, say, or setting a room ablaze to test fireproof safes). And we apply our assiduous approach and next-level research skills to more than 1,000 product categories, including washing machines, TVs, artificial Christmas trees, bath towels, nonstick pans, soundbars, storage bins, office chairs, headlamps, sewing machines, mattresses, wine glasses, air purifiers, space heaters, treadmills, iPhone cases, Wi-Fi routers, carry-on suitcases, cloth face masks, and, yes, actual wire cutters. In everything we do, we endeavor to make finding the best stuff—and knowing what stuff isn’t worth buying—quick, easy, and transparent, so you can get on with living your life.
ACL COBS 2017 Open Singles Cornhole Championship presented by Johnsonville