Talking New York --- New Yorkで見つけた英語




「スモールビジネス」の定義は、Quality Resources | ASQ から引用し、「小規模企業」としようかと思いましたが、日本とビジネスの形態が違うため、記事の中ではそのままカタカナで使うことにしました。

Small business is defined as a privately owned corporation, partnership, or sole proprietorship that has fewer employees and less annual revenue than a corporation or regular-sized business. The definition of "small"—in terms of being able to apply for government support and qualify for preferential tax policy—varies by country and industry. The U.S. Small Business Administration defines a small business according to a set of standards based on specific industries.



Mayor Adams Signs "Small Business Forward" Executive Order to Reform Small Business Violations
January 4, 2022

Mayor Eric Adams today signed the “Small Business Forward” Executive Order to reform existing business regulations, ensuring local businesses face fewer needless fines and penalties. The Executive Order builds upon Local Law 80 and calls on the Department of Buildings, Department of Environmental Protection, Department of Sanitation, Fire Department, Department of Consumer and Worker Protection, and the Department of Health and Mental Hygiene to review business regulations with the goal of reducing fine schedules and allowing for cure periods or warnings for first-time violations.

エリック・アダムス市長は本日、既存のビジネス規制を改革し、地元企業が不必要な罰金や刑罰に直面することが少なくなるようにするための「スモールビジネス・フォワード」 行政命令に署名した。この行政命令は、地方法80条に基づき、ビルディング局、環境保護局、衛生局、消防局、消費者・労働者保護局、保健精神衛生局に対し、罰金項目の削減や初回の違反に対する治癒期間や警告を可能にすることを目的としたビジネス規制の見直しを要請しているものである。

“Our small businesses have been through so much during the COVID-19 pandemic,” said Mayor Eric Adams. “The last thing they need to deal with are unnecessary fines. We’re cutting the red tape and bringing real relief to the entrepreneurs who have made their dreams a reality and keep our local economy strong.”



The Executive Order will require:

Within three months, each Agency will identify the 25 violations that are responsible for the greatest number of summonses and fines issued to small businesses and submit the following:


Recommendations for which violations should be reformed via a) elimination, b) fine schedules scaled back, c) allowance of a First Time Warning, and/or d) allowance for a Cure Period for first-time violations.

どんな違反を、a) 撤廃、b) 罰金項目の縮小、c) 初回警告の適用、d) 初回違反に対する更生期間の適用を通して改善すべきなのかに関する意見。

If no reform action is recommended for a violation, provide an explanation as to why the status quo should be maintained (e.g. serious health or safety risk)


Identify the necessary actions for reform (e.g. rule-making, City legislation, State legislation, etc.)


All enforcement agencies should immediately review and update their violation tracking systems, inspection procedures and trainings, and the language on their summons tickets in order to ensure that they are prepared to introduce cure periods and first-time warnings for violations in compliance with this EO.

すべての執行機関は、この行政命令 を遵守し、違反に対する更生期間と初回警告を導入する準備を確実にするために、違反追跡システム、検査の手順と研修、召喚状の文言を直ちに見直し、更新すること。

The establishment of an Inter-Agency Working Group - which includes each enforcement agency and to be chaired by a Deputy Mayor for Economic and Workforce Development and the SBS Commissioner - to review Agency submissions and oversee the ensuing business regulatory reform process.

各省庁が参加し、経済・労働力開発担当副市長とSBS (Small Business Services---スモールビジネスサービス) コミッショナーが議長を務める部局間ワーキンググループを設立し、行政提出書類を見直し、その後のビジネス規制改革を監督すること。





