Talking New York --- New Yorkで見つけた英語







昨日のブログに"small business"の定義を載せましたが、その規模によりアメリカの中でも扱いが異なるので、ニューヨークの"small business"についての部分を書き出しておきます。

98% of the city's more than 230,000 businesses have less than 100 employees. And even in the best of times, it's pretty hard to run a small business. 
more than 3,000 businesses closed during the height of the pandemic, and it's reported that close to a third of them may not come back. 



Mayor Eric Adams Signs Executive Orders to Assist in City's COVID-19 Recovery Efforts


We're going to continue to be optimistic, because you know, people don't realize negative energy breaks your spirit. All the negative energy we see out here every day, you know, that is what's killing the spirit of New Yorkers. And so, yes, you may be unhappy that I'm happy all the time, because I have a lot to be happy for. I know this city, this city is resilient. And we just need to get out of the way and allow that resiliency to happen. 


We have used our agencies to turn the American dream into a nightmare, every day all day in the way of small businesses not allowing them to flourish and grow, resenting the fact. When the agency walks through the door not to say we're here to help but we're here to hurt, and that has to stop. And when you think about the what councilman and the borough president have had, they have advocated for so long.


We know that this city is made up of working people, everyday people with narratives and stories of coming here as immigrants and opening a small shop or selling something on the streets and able to graduate to open your own small business, investing all of your money to open a restaurant as a dishwasher only to have the Department of Buildings take two years to give you a CFO (Certificate of Occupancy) or National Grid to take another three years to turn on your gas on Con Edison taking even longer to turn on your electricity.


 Or having agencies walk in and fine first instead of fixing and giving you the support that you deserve. So Pearl River Mart, we're gonna put you on a new river, a river of hope and prosperity where we are going to be your partners and not your enemy. This is a landmark Asian-American business that's been a cornerstone of the community. I remember your large store on Broadway and the costs just sort of push you out after you made it stability and a stable place to be. And this mart faces the same turmoil we heard all over the campaign trail. Every community I visited that dealt with small businesses, they told me about the problems.

また、政府機関が入ってきてすぐ罰金をとることもありますね。あなたの間違いを正したり、必要なサポートをするのではなく。ですから、パールリバーマートのみなさん、私たちはあなたたちを新しい流れに乗せましょう。希望と繁栄の流れです。私たちはあなたの敵ではなく、あなたのパートナーになるつもりです。ここはアジア系アメリカ人による画期的なビジネスで、地域の礎となってきたところです。私はブロードウェイにあったあなたの大きな店を覚えていますよ。あなたが安定した場所としてそこを作ったのに、コストがかかりすぎて、押し出されてしまったんだよね。 そして、(新しい)この店も選挙戦の時に聞いたけれど、混乱に直面しているんだね。私が訪れたスモールビジネスに関わっているどの地域でも、その問題を聞いたよ。

注:"Pearl River Mart"とは?

次の2枚の画像は現在のパールリバーマート。(Google Earthより。)

And I stated -- as I took my notes on the campaign trail, I stated it was an Arnold Schwarzenegger's moment. I said 'll be back. I'll be back. and I'm back to use the power of the Mayor's Office to assist and not to hurt. And you're right. This community was devastated during COVID. Businesses closed, the hateful rhetoric that came from Washington DC to connect COVID to the Chinese community, the anti-Asian violence, a number of attacks that we saw right here on Canal Street. But you were resilient and you stood in there. And we were able to mobilize the families and friends to deal with the bigotry, the violence, and the hate, and the failure to patronize these important businesses. I truly believe that this city --- this administration is going to do everything possible not to talk about it, but to be about it, to help small businesses in the city.

そして私は述べました。選挙戦でメモを取っていたときですが、「アーノルド・シュワルツェネッガー(のような瞬間)だ」と。私は「アイルビーバック---I'll be back.」と言いました。「アイルビーバック」とね。市長室の力を使うためにです。傷つけるのではなく、助けるために使うために戻ってきました。そして、そう、その通り。この地域は新型コロナウィルス感染拡大の時にかなりやられました。店は閉店、ワシントンDC(当時の連邦政府)から発せられた、コロナを中国コミュニティにつなげるような憎悪に満ちた言葉、アジア人への暴力、そしてここカナルストリートで見られた多くの攻撃。しかし皆さんは立ち治り、そこにとどまりました。そして、偏見や暴力、憎悪に対処するために、家族や友人を動員し、大切なお店を守ることができました。私は、この都市が、この政権が、都市のスモールビジネスを支援するために、可能な限りのことをするつもりです。ただ、話すだけではなく、そのために存在するのです。この街のスモールビジネスを助けるために。

All over the city. all five boroughs, it doesn't matter if you're in Brighton Beach with the large Russian-speaking community. if you are in Sunset Park with the large Spanish speaking community, if you are with the large African-American small business community and restaurants, or if you're just merely here in the Chinatown area, a place that I served as a police officer in my beginning years in 1985. We're going to be here to show these businesses grow. They have the hassle. We're going to give them the flow and allow them to continue to bring commerce to our city. So today, I signed the executive order to reform small business violation, slash red tape, reduce needless fines and penalties.


It will bring relief to our hardworking entrepreneurs. The Executive Order builds upon Local Law 80. It calls on the Department of Buildings, Department of Environmental Protection,
Department of Sanitation, the Fire Department, Department of Consumer and Workers Protection, and the Department of Health and Mental Hygiene. All of these entities separately carry --- they carry out important functions, but they have not been business-friendly enough
for this administration. We'll require all of these agencies to promptly review business regulations with the goal of encouraging compliance, reducing fine schedules, and allowing for cure periods or warnings for first time violations. You just opened a new business, you make a mistake, you should not be hit with a fine that's going to prevent you from keeping your doors open.


 We're gonna put in a warning system that would allow these businesses to have a period of time, for those non-emergency health violations, a period of time to fix the problem. That's the goal. The goal is not to harm you, but to help you. Within three months, each of these agencies will need to identify the 25 violations that result in the greatest number of summonses and fines issues to businesses. We're not gonna use this system to fine you
to put money in our coffers. We're gonna use this system to help you to put money in the tax space that you make when you hire people, when y ou have people come in and spend their money as tourists. That is now we feed our taxpayers and that is how we feed our coffers.


These agencies will then submit recommendations for which violations should be reformed through elimination, fine amendments, allowance of a warning, or allowance of a cure period for first time violations, which is so important. The agency will submit recommendations about whether the violations are necessary. We have so many violations on the books that are no longer necessary, and we want to promote and ensure that they promote important public purpose. 


So, the executive order also established an inter-agency working group in the Mayor's office to evaluate the submission of each agency, to expedite decisions, and put plan into action. And of course, the working group would be chaired by my amazing deputy Mayor, Maria Torres-Springer, and the Commissioner of the Department of Small Business Services, Kevin Kim, one of the first South Asians to represent and lead that small business services. Small businesses are the heart and soul of our city, and we want to make sure that that heart continues to beat without us hurting and harming the small business of our city. To goal is to help keep each and every American dream alive in New York City by offering a helping hand to ensure compliance with necessary support.

We feel not fines, but extra support is going to get us through this in a real way. We feel in a real way. Fix it. Don't fine it. Support. Don't destroy it. The pandemic sidetracked our reform so many times before, but we're now full speed ahead and we're excited about the moment and the opportunities that's going to come with it. This is our time to revitalize our city and bring the right energy and spirit that this city has to offer. During the '60s, a young man came here with his wife and opened a small shop. They brought the American dream and American spirit with them. They believed --- they believed in who we are and what we represent globally and nationally. Today, we are going to ensure that dream continues for the next families that are to come and for businesses to continue to thrive in our amazing city. So I am signing this executive order with the same pride that I had when you signed your first lease. This is a new opportunity for us to move forward in the right direction.

私たちは、罰金ではなく、さらなる支援が本当の意味で私たちを乗り切らせてくれると感じています。私たちは実際それを感じています、改めるのです。 罰金を科してはいけない。支援をするのです。壊してはいけない。パンデミックによって、これまで何度も改革が横道にそれてきましたが、私たちは今、全速力で前進し、この瞬間とそれに伴うチャンスにワクワクしています。今こそ、この街を再活性化させ、この街が持つ正しいエネルギーと精神を発揮する時です。60年代、ある若者が奥さんと一緒にここにやってきて、小さな店を開きました。彼らは、アメリカンドリームとアメリカンスピリットを持っていました。彼らは信じていました--自分たちが何者であるか、そして自分たちが世界的にも国内的にも背負っているものを信じていました。今日、私たちはその夢を、これから生まれてくる家族のために、そして私たちの素晴らしい街で繁栄し続けるビジネスのために、確実に継続させようと思っています。ですから私は、皆さんが最初に賃貸契約にサインしたときと同じ誇りをもって、この行政命令に署名します。これは、私たちが正しい方向に前進するための新たな一歩なのです。

Let it be said and let it be done. Thank you very much.


次の画像はNew York Postからです。




