Talking New York --- New Yorkで見つけた英語



ニューヨーカーが感じるニューヨークという街とは?Time Outが実際にニューヨーカーにニューヨークの魅力を聞きました。

The 10 best things about living in NYC, according to New Yorkers

4. It's a cultural capital with so much diversity

We also have much of the world's best museums, jazz clubs, DIY venues and art galleries as well as our incredible Broadway and Off Broadway scenes. There's no shortage of talent or ways to catch it. And people from different walks of life keep coming together to bring us incredible exhibits and shows that open our world to what's beyond our own experiences. And simply being able to interact with so many types of people is something not found in other cities.


"I truly had not seen diversity until I moved to New York years ago," wrote paul_lanes. "After moving here, I've had long-term or passing connections with the rich, the poor, with people of various ethnic backgrounds, with people who come from far away or native to New York, with people from all across the political spectrum including the right, with struggling drug addicts, etc."

投稿名、paul_lanesさんは、次のように回答しています。「数年前にニューヨークに引っ越して来るまで、実際に多様性を目の当たりにしたことはありませんでした。」、「ここに来て初めて、富裕層、貧困層、様々な民族的背景を持つ人々、遠くから来た人、ニューヨーク生まれの人、右派を含むあらゆる政治的立場にある人々、困難に立ち向かっている麻薬中毒者などと、長期的または 一時的なつながりを持つことができました。」

5. Being able to drink and not drive (and get home safely)

It's a small thing, but when we've had too much to drink, most of us don't have to worry about how we'll get home or leaving our car behind. NYC's walkability (or access to taxis) makes going out for a boozy night on the town easy and safe and even allows us to enjoy ourselves more than we would if we had to think about logistics. And honestly, sometimes being a little buzzed on the train helps the ride home a little easier.


(画像は、Daily Newsより)

"Just please try to barf away from us commuters. I’ll hand a wet wipe to you later," lemonyhampeapasta wrote.

(この回答に対して、)「私たち通勤客から離れた場所で吐くようにしてください。後でウェットティッシュを渡すから "と、投稿名lemonyhampeapastaさんは書きました。

6. Everyone has one thing in common—they are the kind of person who lives in NYC

It takes "a certain mind, perseverance, culture, flexibility to live in any of the boroughs and it manifests itself in millions of unique ways," said okdokke. "But that lil’ nugget of ‘new yorker’ is always somewhere inside."

「どの地区で暮らすにも、ある種の精神、忍耐力、文化、柔軟性が必要で、それは何百万通りの現れ方があります」と投稿名、okdokkeさんは言います。「でも、「ニューヨーカー である」という小さな誇りが、いつも心のどこかにあるのです」。

Whatever "making it" in NYC means, we're all doing it. New Yorkers have a certain grit, attitude and strength that is required of them to live here. Knowing that, we all have this unspoken appreciation and understanding that we share.




