Talking New York --- New Yorkで見つけた英語



ニューヨークの近代美術館(The Museum of Modern Art, New York)に、ジェイコブ・ローレンス(Jacob Lawrence)の作品が展示されています。。

今日はアラバマ州、モンゴメリーで人権擁護派の弁護士であるブライアン・スティーブンソン(Bryan Stevenson)氏がイギリスBBC放送にジェイコブ・ローレンス氏の作品を解説する動画があるので、今日はそれを見ながらジェイコブ氏とその作品の意味を考えました。

Bryan Stevenson on the power of art to communicate justice | MoMA BBC | THE WAY I SEE IT

Bryan: I’m Bryan Stevenson. I’m a human rights lawyer, who lives and works in Montgomery Alabama. The way I see Jacob Lawrence’s work is the way I see great literature. It’s a story. He’s one of the great storytellers in art, and I love that he felt the need to create whole depictions of African-American life, and in the African-American community, storytelling in such a central part to how the community has survived. 


I mean the most amazing thing about Jacob Lawrence’s work is black people depicted in color with their full humanity on display. Their meditation, their labor, their joy, their anguish, their pain, their grief... And The Migration Series, which is what we’re looking at, tells the story of this incredible period in American history, where millions of black people fled the American south for the north and west. The whole of the United States was shaped by this incredible period that very few people talk about, very few people know about. And Lawrence was one of the first people to dramatize this massive phenomenon taking place in America, and particularly in the African-American community, through these extraordinary paintings, which told every facet of the story.


Leah Dickman: One of the things that’s very distinctive about this series is each of the panels has a caption. There’s this reflection of how do you take these facts and create a story?


Bryan: These images that convey the hardship and the struggle are really powerful, and for someone like me, I grew up in a poor, racially segregated community, they speak to people like me.  I could identify with these images. everyday people finding a way to cope with these enormous challenges even though he didn’t in any way shy away from the anguish of poverty, and the distress of being terrorized and threatened, and the grief of oppression and lynching.


 He could tell these stories, because he identified with the full humanity and dignity and the aspirations that gave rise to the stories, to the images. And we have this memorial in Montgomery to victims of lynchings, and the thing that I find especially moving is when you see African-American families find their family name, and then some of them will just weep. This response to having had carried all of this burden and violence in silence. Panel 15, which is the one that precedes this. That has the noose on a tree. And what he wanted to focus on, not just the brutality of the violence, but on the grief.


Leah: You can see that there’s also a kind of play that Lawrence makes between Image 15 and 16, because 16 is saying that any individual act of violence is bigger than that single act, because it has a impact on others around.


Bryan: That’s right. And what’s most exciting about Jacob Lawrence’s art, is an effort to end the silence, and when you end silence and you can begin to speak truth, there’s just something powerful about that. And so, it was the task of 20th Century writers and artists, and to certain extent, musicians, to kind of fill out this picture. And so the labor of African-Americans, which built this country, which was so central to the prosperity of America, but had been minimized by the narratives that shaped our rationalization of slavery gets expression. 


 So that’s what you see here in panel 4, is the black body at work, and every person of color knows that you had to work, and that was certainly true in my community, but there was also this understanding that we had to understand the context of that work, and so in 34, he gives this nod to the Black Press, and if it weren’t for these enterprising black journalists, who documented the real story of African-American life , we wouldn’t have known about many of the lynchings, we wouldn't have known about the Great Migration, with the detail that we understand it now. 


And it’s only when people like Jacob Lawrence arrive on the scene, determined to create a new way of seeing this history, understanding this history, that we begin to recognize the full power that art can have in creating a new relationship to these really big ideas like freedom and equality and justice, and that’s what emerges in this work for me, is this clear call for a new relationship to what it means to be treated fairly, what it means to be seen as equal, and what justice requires.


The black press urged the people to leave the south. | Jacob Lawrence: The Migration Series

Panel 15: There were lynchings.   

Panel 16: After a lynching the migration quickened.

Panel 4 All sources of labor having been exhausted , the mingrants 
were last resource.


Panel 34: The black press urged the people to leave the north.


Panel 58: In the North the African American had more educational opportunities.

日本の学校教育の中では、美術の時間に習う有名な絵画はほとんどがヨーロッパの画家によるものだったと思います。なぜもっと広く取り上げられないのでしょう? 社会科の授業に出てくる芸術はほんの少しです。芸術の授業は主要教科ではないという理由で、選択制になったり、授業数が減らされることもあります。



