Talking New York --- New Yorkで見つけた英語



"Doyers Street"(ドイヤーズ・ストリート)が"Murder Alley"(殺人横町)と呼ばれて、昔はとても危険なところだったのですが、その歴史を"What remains"という動画にまとめたものがあります。


nYC's Murder Alley - Doyers St., Chinatown - What Remains

New York City's Chinatown today tourists and locals visit these busy streets lined with merchants of all sorts. But a century ago, they were lined with blood.


So, in the mid 19th century mass emigration occurred in New York City. By the 1880s the Chinese community here around Mott Street is firmly established and had a lot of legitimate businesses that they were known for including restaurants and laundromats, but there also were some illicit activities going on here as well, including gambling dens, opium dens and even prostitution. For instance, at 11:00, Mott Street would find one of the first Chinatown brothels here upstairs.


Today, just a gift shop. And who took control of these hidden places? The gangs. And they were notorious.


In Chinatown the gangs were known as Tongs. There were two rival Tongs around the 1890s, The On Leong Tong, and the Hip Sing Ton. But this gang violence between the Tongs would be pretty bloody. In fact, legend has it that one group of Tong members would actually wield hatchets against their foes and it would be because of that, we would get the phrase “Hatchet Man” today.

チャイナタウンでは、ギャングはトンと呼ばれていました。1890年代には、2つのトンが対立していました。オン・リアン・トン(On Liang Ton)とヒップ・シン・トン(Hip Sing Ton)です。しかし、このトンの間のギャングの暴力はかなり血なまぐさいもので、実際トンのメンバーの一団は敵に対して実際に手斧を振り回したという伝説があり、そのために今日の「ハチェットマン」という言葉が出てきたようです。

Amongst the violence, one street stood out Doyers Street. The streets had been made it the perfect place to ambush and attack rival gangs, giving Doyers Streets “McCobb”, nicknamed "Murder Alley".


At  Doyers streets with a Chinese Theater, Chinese opera house. And for most of its existence, it did host a variety of different kinds of performances. But, in 1905, there was another more bloody performance within the theater. Members of the Hip Sing Tong ambushed members of their rival gang the On Leong Tong, killing four people and igniting war that would last almost until 1910.

Today, the opera house is a clothing store, one of many businesses found on much tamer Doyers Street.


Doyers Street today is a far cry from when it was over a hundred years ago. It still has some vestiges of old Chinatown. But you're more likely to get a nice cup of tea there or get a really good haircut. For modern residents and visitors the merchants of Doyers Street serve a variety of goods, but a hundred years ago, this streets main export was murder.



On Leong Tong → 安良堂  
Hip Sing Tong →協勝堂   





