Talking New York --- New Yorkで見つけた英語



コロナ渦中にあったニューヨークでは、一刻も早い政府の対応が求められ、特に飲食業界からの要請は強いものでした。店内の設備やマスク着用、衛生面での決まりなどに加え、検査の義務などはすぐに施行されました。ほとんどの飲食業者もそれに従いました。歩道に飲食の場を造ることも"Open Restaurant Program"で許可されましたが、それは簡単なことではありませんでした。特に寒い冬などは、暖房や雪などを避ける工夫が必要でした。



今日は、"The Villege Sun"というニューヨークのローカルサイトを読みます。


‘We want our streets back!’ Shed foes sue to shut down ‘lawless’ outdoor dining program — now

JULY 31, 2022

Residents from across the city have filed an Article 78 lawsuit to end the ongoing renewals of the emergency executive orders that authorize New York City’s temporary Open Restaurants program, and to end its operation.


Birthed under former Mayor de Blasio during the depth of the pandemic, the Open Restaurants program has been operating since June 2020. According to the lawsuit, however, for more than two years, the supposedly temporary program “has circumvented both the zoning code and the New York City Charter through repeated renewals of emergency executive orders.”

パンデミックの深刻な時期にデ・ブラシオ前市長の下で誕生した「オープン・レストラン」プログラムは、2020年6月から運用されています。しかし、訴訟によると、2年以上にわたって、一時的なはずのこのプログラムは、「緊急行政命令の度重なる更新によって、市街化条例とニューヨーク市憲章の両方により放置されてきた 」ということです。

Per the suit, the mayor’s and governor’s emergency orders that have kept extending Open Restaurants were initially based on the idea that “requiring social distancing” would “diminish the seating capacity” of restaurants and bars and that the program “could thwart the spread of COVID.”

この訴訟では、「オープン・レストラン」プログラムを延長し続けてきた市長と知事の緊急命令は、当初、「社会的距離をとらせる 」ことでレストランやバーの 「客席数を減少させる だろう」という考えに基づいており、このプログラムは 「コロナの感染拡大を抑えることができるだろう」とされていたそうです。

However, this March, Eric Adams ended the Key to NYC vaccine requirement, which mandated that anyone over age 5 show proof of vaccination to enter various indoor venues,
including restaurants.


As a result, the lawsuit notes, “In recent months, respondents’ chief executive officers and other leaders have relied upon an economic rationale for extending [Open Restaurants]. However, such a rationale does not provide a sufficient legal basis for an emergency order in New York absent the existence of an underlying public health or natural emergency, neither of which now exists.


“In reality, no public health emergency exists,” the suit argues, “and, therefore, there is no premise for [Open Restaurants].”


The litigation concludes by asking that the court “permanently enjoin operation of [Open Restaurants], require [the] City to revoke any permits now in effect allowing places of public accommodations to so utilize its sidewalks and streets, and enjoin any recommencement of [Open Restaurants] absent the declaration of an actual public health emergency… .”


The outdoor dining program, the suit charges, causes “increased and excessive noise, traffic congestion, garbage and uncontrolled rodent populations, the blocking of sidewalks and roadways, causing petitioners and others to be unable to safely navigate the city’s streets and sidewalks, and a diminution of available parking upon which some of the petitioners depend.”


Robert Camacho, the chairperson of Brooklyn Community Board 4, representing Bushwick, is one of three-dozen plaintiffs on the new lawsuit.


Camacho said that, at one point, there were 40 abandoned dining sheds in Brooklyn C.B. 4. Working with the Department of Sanitation he got many of them removed, but there are still 15 to 20 of the vacant roadway eyesores, he said.


Patrick Walsh, a public school teacher and Lower East Side resident, is another plaintiff.


“The mayor’s decision to keep renewing an emergency order for the hospitality and liquor industry that is no longer needed serves as another reminder that residents’ quality of life and safety are not priorities, or perhaps, even seriously considered,” he said.


In her affidavit for the lawsuit, plaintiff Angela Bilotti complains of an explosion of rats and noise associated with the proliferation of dining “shanties” in Williamsburg, Brooklyn.


“Pre-pandemic I enjoyed my neighborhood’s charm, clean and quaint tree-lined streets, parks and peacefully working in my garden,” she said in the affidavit. “Since the implementation of [Open Restaurants] the neighborhood has eroded. 

「パンデミック以前の私は、近所の魅力、清潔で趣のある並木道、公園、庭で平和に働くことを楽しんでいました。」 彼女は宣誓供述書の中でこう述べています。「オープン・レストラン(というプログラム)の実施以来、近隣は損なわれてしまいました。

The sheds filling the streets have become nesting grounds for rats. Litter lines the streets as rats tear open the piles of trash left beside the sheds. Storm water collects at the shed walls, becoming mosquito breeding grounds, and the stench is horrendous. Street cleaning trucks are unable to do their job when sheds dominate the roads. 


Where I used to be able to smell the trees as I walk my dog, it now smells like decay and urine. Tree beds near sheds have gaping holes where rats have tunneled through to nest.


 During evening dog walks you can even hear rats fighting under the shed floors or they run across the sidewalk and street in numbers. Riding my bike means dodging rat roadkill. In my time here I’ve never lived with so much filth, stench and vermin. 


Some sheds are dilapidated or covered in graffiti. Some aren’t even used for dining but for storage behind locked doors. Many [exceed] the width of an automobile by a foot, making traffic very dangerous, especially the corner sheds which also block stop signs.


“Other quality of life issues have to do with the operation of the restaurants themselves,” Bilotti continued. “They fill the sidewalk with furniture making it difficult to pass, they install speakers and/or DJ’s outside, and in some cases a canopy of globe string lights hanging low enough to hit with your head. 


The noise levels from a combination of customers shrieking and music have made my home unlivable. When working in my garden, I can hear loud music coming from three different establishments clashing in the atmosphere. What used to be a sanctuary to escape to in this bustling city is now time spent filing 311 reports and battling rats which have found their way into my garden beds. 


Restaurant owners and managers are uncooperative. I’ve confronted a few, pleading for sidewalk clearance and reduced music/noise levels. Nothing changes. One restaurant owner told a neighbor she’s conducting business, so just close their windows. That neighbor moved away.”





