Talking New York --- New Yorkで見つけた英語



ニューヨークタイムズは、記事の中でマギー・スミス(Maggie Smith)さんの、 “During My Divorce, Close Friends Became a Parachute” (離婚で辛かった時、親友たちがパラシュートになってくれた)というエッセイを紹介し、若者たちにコメントを求めました。スミスさんのエッセイは昨日のブログにあります。17のコメントが寄せられましたので、それを読んでみたいと思います。



London, Block 4

I feel like I have never really had experiences where I really need friends to be my "parachute", as Ms. Smith says. For me my friends help me because I know, no matter what the situation is, they will have my back and help me when I need it. It's kind of like a safety line, when I do need them they will be there to pull me back up.


Camila Tinajero

When my parents were going through a divorce my friend helped a lot. My parents getting divorced was probably one of the hardest things I had to go through. I had depression for years, anxiety back and forth. I was taking medicine for my depression and after everything that happened I was never the same, I didn't trust no one so I was just keeping everything in. That's when my mother decided to take me to therapy. My friend was always there for me like I was for her as much as I could at that time and she's been friends for a long time and I’m really happy I was able to meet her.


Clare F

During my life I’ve never had anyone to depend on, It’s always been me and only me. Recently, I have found my people that I can depend on and show me the love I need in bad moments in my life. I know they will always be there for me when I need it the most and it’s such a wonderful feeling. I don’t have to worry about feeling judged or hated. I have my safe spaces that I can go to no matter what. They never force me to open up, they just let me know that they’re there when I’m ready. It’s so nice to have people who aren’t going to force you into anything. 



I think when Ms.Smith says “My friends were a parachute.” i think she's saying she is holding onto her friendships as hard as she can because that kept her pushing and helped her heal during her tuff time. Also when she says they give her something i can't give myself i think she's describing happiness i think my friends are the same because without them i wouldn't be as happy and have good jokes with. I think this article does make me want to lean on friends more because you can have good advice and talk to each other.



My friends helped me a lot when my parents were going through a divorce. My parents getting divorced was probably the hardest thing I had to go through in my life. It really had me depressed and angry for a while but my friends helped me. They let me stay over at their house for a few days because my parents were arguing all the time. They were easy to talk to and they also knew how to cheer me up and get my mind off things. My friends would take me places to cheer me up. They took me to the movies, they took me downtown, and we also went to the beach a lot and surfed.


132の投稿が寄せられていました。その中で、"Hoggard High School"の生徒さんからのものがとても多かったです。多分、先生がニューヨークタイムズの記事を授業で取り上げて、スミスさんの記事を生徒に読ませて、感想を書かせ、それが投稿されたのだと思います。





