a way of eating in which you only eat certain foods, in order to lose weight, or to improve your health
次々に新しいダイエット法が出てきますが、今話題になっているのが、"LOW-FODMAP Diet"(低フォドマップダイエット)です。
その前に、フォドマップについては、ウィキペディアに説明を転載しておきます。フォドマップ - Wikipedia
(注: "A"は、"and"です。)
フォドマップは 小腸では吸収されにくい短鎖炭水化物である。 これには、 フルクトース ( フルクタン )、ガラクトオリゴ糖 (GOS、 スタキオース 、 ラフィノース )、 二糖 ( ラクトース )、 単糖 ( フルクトース )、ソルビトール 、 マンニトール 、 キシリトールおよびマルチトールのような糖アルコール ( ポリオール )の短鎖オリゴ糖ポリマーを含む。 フォドマップは我々の普段の食事に含まれている。
The Low-FODMAP Diet, Explained
This sweeping diet can relieve symptoms of I.B.S., but it isn’t right for everyone, experts warn.
By Alice Callahan
June 29, 2023
When Tamara Duker Freuman learned about the low-FODMAP diet just over a decade ago, she started using it with her patients who were suffering from irritable bowel syndrome. It was “a game changer,” the registered dietitian said.
In one review of studies published in 2020, for instance, researchers estimated that around 52 to 86 percent of patients with I.B.S. who followed the diet had significant improvements in symptoms like bloating, pain and diarrhea.
But the diet — which temporarily eliminates foods that are high in certain types of carbohydrates known to cause I.B.S. symptoms — isn’t appropriate for everyone, experts say. Here’s how it works, and how to tell if it’s right for you.
On the left, an assortment of high-FODMAP foods that can cause gas — and in people with I.B.S., bloating, pain and diarrhea. On the right, low-FODMAP foods that are easier to digest and less likely to cause stomach issues.Credit...Liz Clayman for The New York Times. Food Stylist: Mira Evnine
What are FODMAPs?
FODMAPs are certain types of carbohydrates — called fermentable oligosaccharides, disaccharides, monosaccharides and polyols, as the acronym suggests — that often can’t be fully digested or absorbed in the small intestine and are instead fermented by microbes in the colon. This can cause gastrointestinal distress.
The list of foods containing high levels of FODMAPs is long: It includes dairy products like milk, yogurt and ice cream; fruits like apples, mangoes and watermelon; vegetables like onions, garlic and asparagus; wheat-based pastas and breads; legumes like beans and lentils; nuts like cashews and pistachios; and sweeteners like honey, high-fructose corn syrup and low-calorie sweeteners.
フォドマップを多く含む食品のリストは長い: 牛乳、ヨーグルト、アイスクリームなどの乳製品、リンゴ、マンゴー、スイカなどの果物、タマネギ、ニンニク、アスパラガスなどの野菜、小麦ベースのパスタやパン、豆類、カシューナッツ、ピスタチオなどのナッツ類、ハチミツ、高フルクトース・コーンシロップ、低カロリー甘味料などの甘味料などだ。
If you don’t have digestive issues, FODMAPs typically don’t “cause anything except a bit more flatulence,” said Dr. William Chey, a professor of gastroenterology and nutritional sciences at Michigan Medicine.
But if you have I.B.S. or certain other gastrointestinal conditions, they can cause symptoms like pain, bloating and diarrhea.
An assortment of foods on a wooden table, including mushrooms, watermelon, cauliflower, a bottle of milk, wheat bread, honey and pistachios.
On the low-FODMAP diet, you’ll need to avoid these kinds of foods — but only temporarily.Credit...Liz Clayman for The New York Times. Food Stylist: Mira Evnine
Who might — and might not — benefit from the diet?
Because FODMAPs are found in so many foods, the low-FODMAP diet is very restrictive, which is one reason experts advise caution and suggest careful planning before embarking on the diet.
Good candidates include I.B.S. patients who regularly consume high-FODMAP foods and who notice that their symptoms worsen after meals, said Dr. Lin Chang, a gastroenterologist and professor of medicine at the David Geffen School of Medicine at the University of California, Los Angeles. They should also be people who are open to trying a complex, new diet, she said.
The low-FODMAP diet may also help soothe the symptoms for those with other gastrointestinal conditions such as inflammatory bowel disease and functional dyspepsia (chronic stomach discomfort and pain), and those with an overgrowth of bacteria in the small intestine, Dr. Chey said.
The diet is not a good fit, however, for people who have symptoms of disordered eating, which can be common among those with GI conditions, Dr. Chang said.
Because the low-FODMAP diet is so restrictive, it can worsen an existing eating disorder, which may be life threatening in some cases, said Beth Rosen, a registered dietitian in New York.