Talking New York --- New Yorkで見つけた英語





What Is That Spot on the Ceiling of Grand Central Terminal?

By Keith Williams

Q. On the ceiling of the main hall of Grand Central Terminal, there is a dark spot. I was told the restorers left it so that everyone could see how dirty the ceiling had been. Is that true? How big is it? Has this been done elsewhere?

Q. グランドセントラルターミナルのメインホールの天井に黒い部分があります。天井がどれだけ汚れていたかがわかるように、修復師が残したと聞いたのですが、それは本当ですか?どのくらいの大きさなのですか?これは他の場所にもありますか?

A. It is true. The dark spot, a relic of an era when smoking indoors was routine, is located near the northwest corner, where the celestial blue of the ceiling mural meets the marble. It measures approximately nine by five inches.

A. 本当です。室内での喫煙が日常的だった時代の遺物であるこの黒い部分は、北西の角の近く、天井壁画の天空の青が大理石に接するところにあります。大きさはおよそ9センチ×5センチです。

Before the Metropolitan Transportation Authority started a two-year, nearly $200 million renovation of Grand Central in 1996, the entire ceiling had this unwanted finish, which came mostly from cigarette tar and nicotine.


Returning the ceiling to its former luster was a painstaking process. The restoration team tested a number of different cleaning agents, eventually applying the winning solution, called Simple Green, with cotton swabs.


The renovation, which was completed in 1998, entailed a bit of controversy among art historians — at least with respect to the mural, which purports to show some of the constellations of the zodiac along with nearby stars.


Originally, the mural was painted directly on the ceiling; within a few years, however, the roof began to leak, and mildew soon obscured the imagery. The New York Central Railroad, the owner of the building at the time, “solved” the issue in the 1940s by covering the ceiling with eight-by-four-foot boards and creating a new mural to mimic the original. The outlines of the boards are plainly visible under the present painting.


During the renovation, some advocates wanted to see the boards removed, and the original mural restored. Unfortunately, those boards contain asbestos; dislodging them could result in a health hazard.


Beyond a few minor changes, the current ceiling largely matches the original, including a critical error. Soon after the current terminal opened in 1913, an observant commuter noticed the zodiac was backward — not exactly offering the simulated astronomical experience the owners had desired.


The flip-flop was the result of a bad translation: painters had placed the rendering on the ground, resulting in a reversed final image (east was west, and west was east). Railroad officials brushed away criticisms, saying the mural was painted from God’s perspective.




