Talking New York --- New Yorkで見つけた英語








Working 9 to 5, Hopefully

“In college I was looking forward to becoming an adult, and now I’m here and it’s horrible.” Seventeen 2023 graduates show and tell us how they feel about entering the work force.
「大学では大人になることを楽しみにしていたのに、いざとなったらすごく不安。」 17人の2023年卒業生が、社会人になって感じていることを語ってくれました。

By Julia Rothman and Shaina Feinberg
Julia is an illustrator. Shaina is a writer and filmmaker.

July 19, 2023

There’s good news for recent college graduates: The labor market is strong, unemployment is low and, according to a survey by the National Association of Colleges and Employers, businesses are expecting to hire almost 4 percent more graduates from the class of 2023 than they did from the previous class.

大学を卒業したばかりの学生に朗報です。 労働市場は好調で、失業率は低く、全米大学・雇用主協会の調査によると、企業は2023年卒の新卒者を前年卒よりも4%近く多く雇用するということです。

The bad news? For most of them, all four years of college were tainted by a pandemic, and now they have to transition from student life to the world of work. Which is never easy. We interviewed 17 graduates from different majors and parts of the country about how they’re feeling as they enter the work force.


Layla Flowers, 25, University of Denver
English: Creative Writing
レイラ・フラワーズさん、25歳、 デンバー大学卒

“I feel the pressure of the world right now. Everything feels like it has to have meaning because everything feels urgent. There’s so much emphasis on, ‘Am I doing something for the work force.


Hannah Bradford, 22, Fordham University
ハンナ・ブラッドフォード さん、22歳、フォーダム大学卒

“I am applying for editorial assistant jobs. I’d like to be a writer working at a magazine. ChatGPT scares me — it entered the college world at the end of my time in college. I had friends who used it to write papers. It makes it really hard to imagine what a career in journalism is going to look like in 10 years.”


Christopher Lawrence, Emory University
クリストファー・ローレンス さん、22歳、エモリー大学卒

“I’m with Teach for America. We’re getting ready to be placed in Title I schools to combat the opportunity gap and change the trajectory of the kids in those schools. I went to a Title I school; it was very low-income. My teachers did everything in their power to make sure we had what we needed. Of course, it’s going to be stressful. But it’s going to be rewarding.”



Title 1 funding provides financial assistance to schools with high numbers or high percentages of children from low-income households.


Kiara Mastropasqua, 21,  Tufts University 
English and Sociology
キアラ・マストロパスクアさん、21歳、 タフツ大学卒

“There’s an assumption about my generation that we’re a super online generation, so a lot of the job openings are social media and content creation – jobs that companies expect young people to know how to do. They also want young people to know how to do graphic design and be able to write. You have to show how fluent you are in all of these different realms.”


Roberto Belman, 24, Appalachian State University
Electronic Media Broadcasting

“Getting a college degree was really important to me. I wanted to add to the number of Latinos that graduate from college. I didn’t just do it for myself, I did it for my community. I’m first generation, too.”


Sean Oh, 22, Rutgers University

“With all the news we’ve seen in the banking sector, a lot of my friends and I were nervous about getting jobs. We were worried we might be seeing a repeat of 2008. I got a full-time offer after interning at a company last summer. I bought some work clothes because I couldn’t wear my Rutgers T-shirts to the office.”



Weston Del Signore, 23. University of Southern California
Fine Art

“I work on and off with a local artist as an assistant and then I also do Postmates and Uber Eats to make ends meet. With the art thing, a lot of it has to do with the people you know.”


Rocio Perez Gonzalez, 22, University of Texas
Public Relations, Business and Journalism
ロシオ・ペレス・ゴンザレスさん、22歳、 テキサス大学卒

“I have an internship. I’m hoping it turns into a job, but they just laid off some people. I can’t go back home and stay with my family because I don’t have great communication with them. I will have to find a job and then find housing. In college I was looking forward to becoming an adult, and now I’m here and it’s horrible. But I can figure it out. A year ago, I was in a completely different position than I am now. A year from now, everything will be different.”





