Talking New York --- New Yorkで見つけた英語





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回答されたDr. Honについては、原文の記事の始めに次のような紹介があります。

Dr. Hong is an assistant professor at the University of Utah and the director of its Healthy Aging and Resilient Places Lab.


The City Looks Different When You’re Older

By Andy Hong
Illustrations by Hirotoshi Iwasaki

Andy Hong is an assistant professor of city and metropolitan planning at the University of Utah and the director of its Healthy Aging and Resilient Places Lab.
アンディ・ホンはユタ大学の都市・都市計画学助教授で、同大学のHealthy Aging and Resilient Places Labのディレクターです。


For many of us, leaving our homes and navigating the outside world doesn’t require much effort. But for older adults, our towns and cities are filled with obstacles — stairs, unsafe sidewalks and crossings, inadequate lighting — that grow increasingly difficult for them as they age. On top of that, most American cities lack robust public transportation. These challenges combine to keep many older Americans at home, isolated from social and cultural activities that are proven to keep conditions like dementia at bay, from essential medical care, from the world around them.


As America grows older, the demand for age-friendly infrastructure will grow, too. The New York Times asked people over 65 to share some of the difficulties they face navigating their towns and cities. The solutions that would help them — and so many others — are often quite simple but require seeing the world around us from a different point of view.



When crosswalks are dangerous


The crosswalks are important because it's a very walkable neighborhood. And unfortunately, the way crosswalks are designed is that they favor cars. The timing is relatively short. And I have a bad back and bad hip, and in back of my mind is it's always the thought that my bad back and bad hip are not going to be better. They are probably get worse. And I may need a walking aid, I may need a cane, or I may need a walker. So all those things are going to slow me down, and make crossing the street much more difficult.   


Alberto Lau, 78, San Diego

アルベルト・ラウ 78歳 サンディエゴ在住

DR. HONG RESPONDS: Existing pedestrian crossing time guidelines just don’t cut it for older walkers. Federal guidelines are based on a walking speed of 3.5 to 4.0 feet per second, but older pedestrians walk more slowly and have slower reaction times. To ensure older adults have enough time to cross the road, transportation agencies should use 2.5 feet per second or slower speeds when setting crossing times in areas with many older adults.


Beyond extending crosswalk time, there are a few different ways to make streets and crosswalks safer. One we know works: reducing speed limits in areas with high pedestrian traffic — an approach that’s even more effective when combined with speed bumps, narrower streets and roundabouts.


Left-turn traffic signals can also help, so pedestrians aren’t crossing the street at the same time cars are turning left. This can be especially important for older adults, who may have slower reaction times or difficulty seeing oncoming traffic.


But even a slight change in the existing traffic system can make a big difference in pedestrian safety. New York City introduced a traffic signal timing technique called the leading pedestrian interval at some intersections. That gives pedestrians a head start of about seven seconds to cross the street before cars are given a green light. Small as the change may seem, pedestrian and bicyclist fatalities and severe injuries fell 37 percent after the interval was added, according to a 2016 analysis.




