一部"retarted"と今では差別用語とされる言葉が出てきますが、彼女自身、この言い方は当時、"politically correct"(政治的に正しい)だったから、あえてそのまま言うと断っています。団体名として使われていたので、ここでもそのまま記載しています。ご了承ください。
Interviews That Matter - Victoria Schneps-Yunis, Publisher
① 長女の病気をきっかけに、自宅のリビングルームから発行を始めた。
Living room sofa. I never go into a kitchen. I make it a rule I just eat the food but I don't go in the kitchen.
I'm a Brooklyn born girl and now Brooklyn is very sexy, so you could say it pride, but my journey really started. I was a teacher and I got my master's degree in teaching. I called it my first life.
My second life was when my daughter Lara was born. And sadly she turned blue in the nursery and suffered what came out to be irreparable brain damage. And so, we began the journey to find help for her to get first the diagnosis. And then, once we were told what we needed to intense physical and occupational therapy and it just didn't exist in the community.
She was born in 1968 and so we began our journey to find where help is. There was a place on Staten Island called the Willowbrook school that had built just the year before an infant rehabilitation center. And they promised to give Lara occupational therapy, physical therapy.
But she had to live there and, it was on Staten Island. And so, with many tears and trepidation but hope. We brought Lara to Willowbrook on Staten Island and I lived in this wonderful complex in Bayside Queens, where the women in the early 70s didn't work.
② 女性団体を結成してボランティアを始めたが、施設の予算がカットされ、抗議運動へ。
They were bringing up their children, and they came to me and each one said, "Vicki, there but for the grace of God, go I, my kids are healthy. How can I help you?" And so, we created the women's organization for retarted children. That was politically correct in those days, and we started volunteering by sending literally bus loads of volunteers every weekend to
Willowbrook. It was a place that had 5,400 people living.
彼らは子供を育てていました。私のところに来て、それぞれがこう言いました。「神様のご加護があって、私や私の子供たちは元気で生きています。私にできることはあるでしょうか?」と。そこで私たちは、当時は差別用語ではなかったので、そのまま言いますが、"the women's organization for retarted children---WORC (発達障害の子供たちのためのの女性団体)"を設立し、毎週末、文字通りバス数台分のボランティアをウィローブルックに送ってボランティアを始めました。そこでは、5,400人の人々が暮らしていたんですよ。
And my daughter's buildings were in the back with the bait they called the baby buildings and we started raising money for the people who were at Willowbrook. And within a year, the budget of the facility was slashed and the people who took direct care my daughter. Lara was never able to sit up. She couldn't feed herself. She had to be diapered, she needed total care. They slashed the people who were caring for these folks that have such great needs, and so my lovely ladies from base came for marches and picketers. And we marched and picket it and try to raise our voice for restoring the cuts that the budget had been made by governor Rockfeller.
And we were knocking on air. Nobody heard us until a cub reporter from Eyewitness News called Geraldo Rivera was snuck in by a doctor who worked at Willowbrook and his coverage shocked the city. I'll never forget his words. He says, "I can show you the pictures. I could let you hear the moaning the sounds, but how do I describe the smell?" And so Geraldo used me as the parent spokesperson. And while I was sharing my journey with Lara. My husband, at the time a lawyer, was working with the Parents Association to file a federal class-action lawsuit.
私たちは拳を挙げていたのですが、始めは誰も聞いてくれませんでした。ところが『アイウィットネス・ニューズ』のジェラルド・リベラというレポーターが、ウィローブルックに勤務していた医師を取材して、やっと市中に衝撃が走りました。彼の言葉が忘れられません。彼はこう言ったのです。「みんなに写真を見せることはできるし、うめき声や音を聞かせることもできる。 でも、その臭いを伝えることはできない。」と。ジェラルドは私を保護者のスポークスパーソン(広報担当者)にしました。私はそれまでのララとの話を伝えました。当時私の夫は弁護士で、保護者会と協力して連邦集団訴訟を起こそうとしていました。