Talking New York --- New Yorkで見つけた英語





こちらです。⇒Our History - Schneps Media

The Birth of a Media Company

Our media company is a labor of love that began with The Queens Courier in my living room in 1985. I found my passion — the news business. As a former grade school reading teacher my career took a very sharp turn with the birth of my first-born child.


Before her second birthday she was diagnosed with severe brain damage from a birth injury. In 1970 we brought her to a “school” on Staten Island in hopes that their Infant Rehabilitation Center might help her with their physical and occupational therapies.

彼女は2歳の誕生日を迎える前に、出生時の傷害による重度の脳障害と診断されました。1970年、私たちは彼女をスタテン島にある ひとつの学校に連れて行きました。そこの幼児リハビリセンターが理学療法と作業療法で助けてくれるかもしれないと期待したのです。

Shortly after, I founded Life’s WORC, the Working Organization for Retarded Children, a group of wonderful, caring people who had healthy children but wanted to help me. We raised thousands of dollars and organized busloads of volunteers to donate their time to help the children at Willowbrook.


 But state budget cuts at the school caused dramatic service and staffing cutbacks causing people to die.


It was a cold rainy day in 1971 when I picketed with WORC members, fighting for the rights of my daughter Lara and the 5,400 other residents at the “school” who resided at the Willowbrook State School for the Mentally Retarded.


No one heard our cries until the news media (Geraldo Rivera, most notably) filmed and reported on the abominable conditions at the “school.” It left a lasting impression on me how the power of the press helped focus on the needs of people with mental retardation and ultimately brought change forever.


I had a dream to one day be in the news business myself. As a young mother of four children, I was searching for a career that would allow me to work but be available to my children. With an initial partner, who went on to other projects, he helped teach me the news business. I was the inquiring photographer, news reporter, and finally salesperson.


In 1985, I saw how all the apartment buildings in northeast Queens were going co-op. It seemed to me that if people owned their apartments, there is a greater interest in the schools, the political and civic scenes. 


We decided to start a weekly newspaper as partners and called it The Queens Courier. Today, The Queens Courier is part of the largest local media company in New York State comprised of newspapers, magazines, websites and events.


In partnership with my son Joshua Schneps, we have and continue to grow and have expanded our business into over 70 community newspapers and magazines, powerful digital assets including news and community websites, email newsletters and social media channels as well as powerful networking events and live events serving all five boroughs of New York City, Long Island and Westchester.


It wasn’t an easy path. As graduates are advised, always reach for the stars and never give up, and always demand the best of yourself and others working with you.


— Victoria Schneps-Yunis
- ビクトリア・シュネップス・ユニス



