Talking New York --- New Yorkで見つけた英語



ニューヨークタイムズの8つの"Fitness Myths"(間違った運動のやり方)の後半になります。

Myth 5: Modifications are for beginners.

Choosing to do a less-strenuous version of an exercise — say, a push-up or plank with your knees on the ground — doesn’t mean you’re weak or a novice or that you’re backsliding, said Stephanie Roth-Goldberg, a clinical social worker and therapist in New York who works with athletes. It’s a sign that you’re listening to your body and keeping it safe.



“Our bodies require different things on different days,” she said. “Modifying exercises helps us work on form and the mind-body connection.”


Myth 6: Runners and cyclists don’t need to strength-train their lower body.

Amanda Katz, a certified strength and running coach in New York City, said she often has to convince clients who run or cycle that they also needed to strength-train their lower body.


Pounding the pavement or pushing pedals does strengthen your lower body, but not enough to stimulate significant muscle growth, she said. A strength-training regimen that includes squats, lunges, glute bridges and pointers can improve bone density and lower your risk of injury — and make you a stronger runner or cyclist, too.


glute bridge (グルートブリッジ)

pointer (ポインター)

Myth 7: You need 10,000 steps a day to be healthy.

Nope. Exercise scientists debunked this one years ago, but many Americans still see it as a benchmark of good health, said Cedric Bryant, the president and chief science officer of the American Council on Exercise


The myth traces back to the 1960s, when a Japanese clock manufacturer mass-produced a pedometer with a name that translated to “10,000-steps meter.” “Unfortunately, it’s taken on a life of its own, because the research clearly doesn’t support there being anything magical about that goal,” Dr. Bryant said.

この神話は、1960年代、日本の時計メーカーが 「万歩計 」と訳された歩数計を大量生産したことに遡る。「残念なことだが、この神話は一人歩きしてしまった。その目標が魔法のようなものだということを研究がはっきり裏付けていないからだ。」とブライアンと博士は言う。

The latest research suggests that the health benefits of walking appear to plateau at around 7,500 steps, but even as few as 4,000 steps per day can reduce the risk of dying from any cause.


Myth 8: Taking an ice bath after a tough workout improves recovery.

Plunging into an icy tub after a difficult workout can feel like a safeguard against injury, since it helps to reduce inflammation. But there’s a problem with this.


“Not all inflammation is bad inflammation,” Dr. Goldman said. If you jump into an ice tub after every workout, you slow or stop the repair process.


When you work out, you create useful inflammation by strategically stressing your muscles, and as the body heals, it builds strength, he said. If you want to tend to a specific injury after a workout, Dr. Goldman recommended either icing the injury itself or waiting a day before taking a cold dip, to give your muscles time to start the repair process.


The same rule applies to over-the-counter pain medications like NSAIDs: Because they’re anti-inflammatory, you should only take them after a workout if you’re treating an injury. Otherwise, you risk counteracting your training.

NSAIDsのような市販の鎮痛剤にも同じルールが適用される。 抗炎症作用があるため、トレーニング後に服用するのは、治療中の場合に限る。そうでなければ、せっかくのトレーニング効果が相殺されてしまう。


“Cold water immersion is a very good anti-inflammatory tool, but you’ve got to use it in a time where you actually want to prevent inflammation and not as a prescription after every workout,” Dr. Goldman said.


For overall recovery after a workout, research suggests saunas may be safer and more effective.





