Global average temperature
Compared with mid-20th century
Source: NASA Goddard Institute for Space Studies
出典: NASAゴダード宇宙研究所
The eight warmest years on record have now occurred since 2014, the scientists, from the European Union’s Copernicus Climate Change Service, reported, and 2016 remains the hottest year ever.
NASA and the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration also issued analyses of global temperatures for 2022 on Thursday, and their findings were similar. NASA’s analysis ranked 2022 as tied with 2015 for fifth warmest, while NOAA had last year as the sixth warmest.
“But ranks only tell you part of the story,” said Russell Vose, a NOAA scientist. What’s more important, he said, is that the past eight years are the warmest ever. “They really do stand apart,” he said.
Each of the past four decades has been warmer than one that preceded it, Dr. Vose added.
Overall, the world is now 1.2 degrees Celsius (2.1 degees Fahrenheit) hotter than it was in the second half of the 19th century, when emissions of planet-warming carbon dioxide from the burning of fossil fuels became widespread.
170 Years of CO2 emissions
Developped countries 先進国(黄色の部分)
Other countries 先進国以外の国 (紫色の部分)
Source: Global Carbon Project
出典 グローバル・カーボン・プロジェクト
Note: Population data from 2020. Source: World Bank, Global Carbon Project
Rich countries, including the United States, Canada, Japan and much of western Europe, account for just 12 percent of the global population today but are responsible for 50 percent of all the planet-warming greenhouse gases released from fossil fuels and industry over the past 170 years.
Over that time, Earth has heated up by roughly 1.1 degrees Celsius (2 degrees Fahrenheit), fueling stronger and deadlier heat waves, floods, droughts and wildfires. Poorer, vulnerable countries have asked richer nations to provide more money to help adapt to these hazards.
At the summit, Sonam P. Wangdi, who chairs a bloc of 47 nations known as the Least Developed Countries, pointed out that his home country of Bhutan bears little responsibility for global warming, since the nation currently absorbs more carbon dioxide from its vast forests than is emitted from its cars and homes.
Nonetheless, Bhutan faces severe risks from rising temperatures, with melting glaciers in the Himalayas already creating flash floods and mudslides that have devastated villages.
“We have contributed the least to this problem yet we suffer disproportionately,” Mr. Wangdi said. “There must be increasing support for adapting to impacts.”
A decade ago, the world’s wealthiest economies pledged to mobilize $100 billion per year in climate finance for poorer countries by 2020. But they are still falling short by tens of billions of dollars annually, and very little aid so far has gone toward measures to help poorer countries cope with the hazards of a hotter planet, such as sea walls or early warning systems for floods and droughts.
How Electricity Is Changing, Country by Country
CLEAN 化石燃料を使わないクリーンな発電(黄色)
FOSSIL 化石燃料を用いた発電(グレー)
Where Fossil-Fueled Power Is Still Growing Today
濃い緑⇒Mostly clean already (すでにほとんどがクリーンエネルギーである)
薄い緑⇒Declining fossil power (化石燃料での発電が少なくなっている)
グレー⇒Plateau or other trend (横ばい、あるいは他の傾向)
オレンジ⇒Rising fossil power (化石燃料発電が増えている)
Circles are sized by the amount of total power generated by each country in 2021-22
Note: Total generation data is shown through 2022 for the countries that have power generation data available through that year. For others, data is shown through 2021.
Carbon-free electricity has never been more plentiful. Wind and solar power have taken off over the past two decades, faster than experts ever expected. But it hasn’t yet been enough to halt the rise of coal- and gas-burning generation.
That’s because global demand for electricity has grown even faster than clean energy, leaving fossil fuels to fill the gap.
The dynamic has pushed up carbon emissions from the power sector at a time when scientists say they need to be falling — and fast — to avoid dangerous levels of global warming.
Much of the rising power demand has come from rapidly-developing countries like China and India, where new coal plants are still coming online alongside wind and solar farms to power meteoric economic growth. But many industrialized nations are also not moving away from fossil fuels fast enough to meet their stated climate change goals.
Even on today’s trajectory, many experts expect that fossil-fueled power will peak globally in the next few years. It’s already falling in major economies like the United States and Europe, and analysts expect China, by far the world’s largest power producer, to begin reducing coal-fired generation soon.
Solar and Wind Power Have Taken OFF
Electricity generation per year, in terawatt hours
Source: The Energy Institute's 2023 Statistical Review of World Energy
出典 エネルギー研究所の2023年世界エネルギー統計レビュー
Note: Data reflects generation within country borders. By The New York Times
注:データは国境内の発電量です。 ニューヨーク・タイムズ
Across the country, a profound shift is taking place that is nearly invisible to most Americans. The nation that burned coal, oil and gas for more than a century to become the richest economy on the planet, as well as historically the most polluting, is rapidly shifting away from fossil fuels.
A similar energy transition is already well underway in Europe and elsewhere. But the United States is catching up, and globally, change is happening at a pace that is surprising even the experts who track it closely.
Wind and solar power are breaking records, and renewables are now expected to overtake coal by 2025 as the world’s largest source of electricity. Automakers have made electric vehicles central to their business strategies and are openly talking about an expiration date on the internal combustion engine. Heating, cooling, cooking and some manufacturing are going electric.
As the planet registers the highest temperatures on record, rising in some places to levels incompatible with human life, governments around the world are pouring trillions of dollars into clean energy to cut the carbon pollution that is broiling the planet.