Talking New York --- New Yorkで見つけた英語






Miranda v. Arizona: Exploring Primary Sources Behind the Supreme Court Case

June 14, 2016 by Stephen Wesson



The Library of Congress is marking this landmark anniversary with the launch of Miranda v. Arizona: The Rights to Justice, an online presentation of historical documents that shed light on the arguments around, and the reaction to, the Miranda ruling of 1966. These documents, which include papers written by and for several Supreme Court justices, allow students to explore the issues discussed by the justices as they considered the ramifications of the case. In addition, letters from law enforcement officers and members of the public illuminate the contentious public debate that erupted after the ruling.


One particularly powerful document for students to analyze is a page from a memorandum that associate justice William Brennan sent to chief justice Earl Warren about the case. Acknowledging that his 21-page response is lengthy, Brennan explains, “this will be one of the the most important opinions of our time…”


He then focuses on two words from Warren’s opinion that he says go “to the basic thrust of the approach to be taken.” He expounds,


In your very first sentence you state that the root problem is “the role society must assume, consistent with the federal Constitution, in prosecuting individuals for crime.” I would suggest that the root issue is “the restraints society must observe…”


Before introducing the memorandum, lead students in considering and naming the differences between “assuming a role” and “observing restraints.” They might respond in a free-write, create a chart, or discuss in small groups and then report to the class. 
Distribute or point to the online facsimile of the document and allow students time to read it, attending to how Brennan uses “role” vs. “restraints” and “assume” vs. “observe.” In the context of Warren’s opinion, how does changing the word change the meaning? Finally, invite students to consider whether Brennan was correct about the importance of the Miranda v. Arizona decision. They might explore the online presentation to gather additional evidence to support their claim.

その覚え書きに入る前に、学生に “assuming a role” と “observing restraints”の違いを考えさせ、表現を決定するように指導してください。彼らは自由に書いたり、チャートを作ったり、少人数のグループで討論した後授業で発表します。文書をダウンロードして配布、または提示して読む時間を学生に与えます。そしてブレナンが “role” に対して “restraints” を、“assume” に対して “observe”という単語をどのように使ったのかに注意をむけさせます。ウォーレンの意見の文脈では、単語を変えると意味がどのように変わるのかを考えさせます。最後に、ミランダ対アリゾナ州の判決に関わる重要性について、ブレナンの判断は正しかったかのかを学生に考えさせます。彼らの主張を裏付ける追加の証拠を探してインターネットを利用することも許可します。

Each of the documents in this presentation presents similarly powerful opportunities for student exploration. You might ask students to read pairs of the documents in dialogue with one another, comparing each writer’s perspective on the core issues of the case.


What other aspects of everyday life that we take for granted were shaped by court cases like Miranda v. Arizona?



Englishラボ-Teachers' Sessionはこちら。

