昨日のブログの後半です。ニューヨーク、ウォールストリートにあった(今は別の場所に移されています。)"Fearless Girl---恐れを知らない少女"の像は、2017 年に国際女性デイを記念して 創作され、2018年までの期限付きで展示されていたものでした。
作成者は、 Kristen Visbal(クリステン・ヴィスバル)という女性彫刻家でです。なぜこんなに短い期間で有名になったのか、彼女はどんな人なのか、インタビュー形式の記事で読んでいます。昨日の続きになります。
What has been the most surprising or unexpected response?
I think that it went viral. I remember the night we installed it. It was freezing cold. We were outside from 11:30 p.m. until about 4:30 a.m., and all I was thinking was, "I hope people like it.
People are saying “Fearless Girl” has changed the meaning of the “Charging Bull” forever. How so?
“Charging Bull” was a symbol of the strength of the American financial market. Di Modica thinks that, now, the bull looks like a bully. There is a respectful distance between the bull and the girl.
Feminism is very trendy right now. Do you think that has something to do with the statue’s popularity?
It was the perfect storm at the perfect time. I finished the piece on the day of the women’s march in [Washington,] D.C. In no way did we want it to be political. It was a bit of a surprise that we have more work to do in the women’s movement. We aren’t quite there yet. I think women needed some sort of symbol. I am grateful my art could make people debate the issue of women in business.
Where will "Fearless Girl" go at the end of her tenure on Wall Street?
Our goal is to ensure she remains in New York. If she cannot, the casting on Wall Street now belongs to State Street Global Advisors, so its new location would be up to them.
Describe your artistic process.
I am a night owl, but I never wanted to be. The reality is, since I work by myself, business gets done during work hours. I start to get creative around 3 p.m., then I really start working. Sometimes I listen to music or movies. My studio is on the Nassau Valley Vineyards, and I live in Rehoboth.
What do you like to do in your free time?
I like to walk down to the state park and the fishing beach. It is so beautiful. Que Pasa in Dewey Beach is a favorite spot, and I love to go into Rehoboth for a good dinner. I love going out for dinner and good wine.
What are you working on now?
I am working on another sculpture of Alexander Hamilton that will be donated to the United States Coast Guard Academy in New London by the Class of 1963. I am also working on “Twisted,” a series of distortions of the human form.