ウォール街にある彫刻、"Fearless Girl"(恐れを知らない少女)の制作者インタビュー記事。
ニューヨークのウォールストリート(Wall Street)のこの場所は、いつも観光客であふれています。名物の牛の像が観光客に囲まれて、そばにも寄れない状態です。
"Fearless Girl"(恐れを知らない少女)とは、このことです。牛は、"Charging Bull"(突撃してくる雄牛)と呼ばれています。
その牛の前に、勇敢にもたちはだかる少女の像が、"Fearless Girl"です。
Fearless Girl 恐れを知らない少女
By Kristen Visbal クリステン・ヴィスバル作
Fearless Girl was placed in New York City’s Financial District, in honor of International Women's Day 2017, to celebrate the importance of having greater gender diversity on corporate boards and in company leadership positions. She also stands as an inspiration for the next generation of women leaders.
"Fearless Girl"(恐れを知らない少女)は、2017年の「国際女性デイ」を祝ってニューヨークの金融街に設置されました。女性に対して取締役や、リーダー的な存在としての場を広げることを歓迎するためです。この少女はまた次世代の女性リーダーの新しい姿として立っています。
この像を制作したのは、Kristen Visbal (クリステン・ヴィスバル)という女性です。彼女にインタヴューした、この像について色々なことがわかる記事があったので、それを転記します。
Meet Kristen Visbal, the Lewes Sculptor Behind That Viral 'Fearless Girl' StatueDanielle
Meet Kristen Visbal, the Lewes Sculptor Behind That Viral 'Fearless Girl' Statue
Bouchat-Friedman April 5, 2017
バウチャット-フリードマン 2017年4月5日
Ever since "Fearless Girl" ascended on New York's Wall Street on March 8 in celebration of International Women’s Day, people around the world wanted to know where she came from. The woman behind her creation is Lewes artist and sculptor Kristen Visbal, who apprenticed at the prestigious Johnson Atelier Art Foundry and has created numerous public works and monuments, including an 12-foot-high bronze monument of Alexander Hamilton. “Fearless Girl” was meant to be a temporary display, but New York mayor Bill de Blasio recently prolonged her stay until at least 2018.
国際女性デイを祝って3月8日にニューヨークのウォールストリートに「恐れを知らない少女」の像が姿を見せたのだが、それ以来、世界中の人々はこの制作者の女性はどこの人なのか知りたいと思っていた。その彫刻の陰に隠れていた女性は、英国ルイス出身の芸術家で、彫刻家のクリステン・ヴィスバルさんだ。彼女は著名なジョンソン・アトリエ鋳物工房で修業し、数多くのパブリックアートとモニュメントを制作してきた。高さが12フィートあるアレキサンダー・ハミルトンのブロンズのモニュメントも彼女の作品だ。「恐れを知らない少女」は、期間限定で展示される予定だったが、ニューヨークビル・デ・ブラシオ市長は、最近、少なくとも 2018 年まで展示を延長しては現在の所に置いておくことにした。
What did McCann New York (an advertising agency) and State Street Global Advisors (an investment firm) initially say to you when they contacted you about the project?
I was contacted about the project on Nov. 30 of last year. A group at McCann New York wanted to do something with gender diversity and Wall Street’s “Charging Bull,” so they went looking for a female sculptor who could mold a child.
Why a child, and what was the significance of the statue’s placement?
A child is endearing and represents the future of tomorrow. “Charging Bull” represents the financial community. We are making the statement that women are a part of the business community on a global scale and that little girls will be leaders.
Why did State Street Global Advisors want to promote gender diversity?
State Street Global Advisors has been an advocate for gender diversity in the workplace. They wanted to highlight the message that if you put women in leadership positions, the result is increased profits. The goal was to do something for International Women's Day, but that is only one aspect of it. “Fearless Girl” means so much to the strength of women—[it has] morphed into an empowerment of women. This is an example of corporate America doing something very fantastic, and I am honored to be involved.
Were you given certain design parameters?
I met with a creative team from McCann New York and on behalf of State Street, who proposed a girl, 36 inches tall, wearing an old-fashioned dress and sandals with braids in her hair. A collaborative decision was made to increase her size to 41 inches and eventually to 50 inches because the bull is so large. I did a couple of sketches, but updated her footwear to a pair of high tops. The team wanted a girl with hands on her hips. I love motion, so I think her ponytail makes her look saucy. I gave her a non-controversial, neutral expression but raised her chin up for confidence. That way she can take on whatever comes her way. She’s strong and confident. That is today’s woman in business and tomorrow’s woman in business.
マッカン・ニューヨークの創作チームとステートストリートの代表の方々にお目にかかった際、36インチの高さの女の子で古い時代の服を着て、サンダルを履き、髪は三つ編みでと言われました。一緒にデザインを検討した結果、高さは41インチになったのですが、結局50インチで落ち着きました。というのが牛がすごく大きかったからです。私はいくつかスケッチを描いて、履かせるものはハイトップのものに変更しました。チーム全員手は腰に置きたいと思いました。私は動きが欲しかったので、髪をポニーテールにして生意気っぽく見せたいと思いました。私は 様々に解釈されない、ニューt-ラルなデザインにしましたが、ただ自信に満ちて堂々とした感じにしました。何がふりかかっても受けて立つわよって感じに。彼女は強くて自信に溢れているのです。それがビジネスでの今日の女性であり、明日の女性の姿なのです。
How long did “Fearless Girl” take to complete?
Approximately 400 hours in total. 100 hours in sketches and conference hours. I then built it in foam with a thin film of clay in about 250 hours. It then took another 12 or 15 hours on wax, followed by the metal check and overseeing the patina. The sculpture was cast in bronze at New Arts Foundry of Baltimore, Md. The whole process from start to finish took me a little less than two months.
Did you have any idea “Fearless Girl” would have the impact that it has?
Obviously it filled a need that women have for power and strength. I have been getting such emotional emails—from both men and women—telling me I have no idea how much the sculpture means to them.
Does “Fearless Girl” have a name?
No. Originally she was coined as “Taking a Stand” before it was changed to “Fearless Girl.”
ありません。もともと、「恐れを知らない少女」になる前は「Taking a Stand---立ちはだかる」と呼んでいました。