Talking New York --- New Yorkで見つけた英語





選んだ記事は2つ。まず、一つ目は、CITY&STATE NEW YORK という、ニューヨーク市にある、政治ジャーナリズム組織の記事からの抜粋です。



About 75% of the city’s public school students are low-income and rely on school for food, medical care and other services, which is why closing the city’s schools would pose a significant problem for its 1.1 million students. Parents would also be forced to either take off from work or find child care. And while healthy children appear to be less susceptible to contracting the virus, school closures have been proven to lessen the spread of other contagious diseases. So far, Japan, Iran, Italy, Iraq, North Korea and others have closed public schools nationwide to prevent more cases.

“If you wait for the case to occur (in your school), you still have wound up closing the school, but now you’ve missed the opportunity to have the real benefit that would have accrued had you closed the school earlier,” Nicholas Christakis, a Yale University sociologist and physician, told NPR.



“We shut down the school system, we might not see it for the rest of the school year, we might not see the beginning of the new school year,” he said. “And that weighs heavily on me.”
Gov. Andrew M. Cuomo has also resisted calls to close public schools across the state.
Even public health experts with dissenting views on whether entire school systems should be closed say that to be effective in protecting public health, such moves should be long-term, ideally for as long a threat like the novel coronavirus persists.
The federal Centers for Disease Control said on Friday that “short to medium closures” did not have an impact on mitigating the spread of the virus, but that closings of eight to 20 weeks might have “some impact.” The C.D.C. also said that other countries that closed schools did not necessarily have more success in curbing the virus’s spread than those that did not.

Mr. de Blasio also said that if schools were closed for an extended period, children would congregate elsewhere and the disease would spread.
“There are three pillars to protecting this city and the long-term health and safety of our people: our schools, our mass transit and our health care system,” Mr. de Blasio said. “Those three are interrelated deeply. You take one out of the equation and it affects the others. My goal is to keep all three of those going.”
While teachers’ union leaders urged the mayor to reconsider, the leader of 1199SEIU, another major union, supported Mr. de Blasio, citing concerns about health care workers and other unionized employees who cannot take time off if their children must stay home.
教師組合の代表は市長に考え直すよう促す一方、もう一つの別の大きな組合である、1199SEIU(Service Employees International Union サービス従業員国際組合)の代表は、ヘルスケア関係者、他の組合の従業員たちは子供たちが家にいなくてはならなくなっても休みをとれないと言って、デブラシオ氏を支持した。



