Talking New York --- New Yorkで見つけた英語



First Houses (ファーストハウス)は文字通り、ニューヨークで最初に建てられた、比較的価格の安い(低所得者層向け)住宅です。1935年に入居が始まったということですから、今年で85歳になる建物です。当然のことながら、市の歴史的建造物です。

"Greenwich Village Society for Historic Preservation"(グリニッチ・ヴィレッジ歴史保存会)のサイトから、歴史をひも解いてみたいと思います。

A Landmark of Affordable Housing - GVSHP | Preservation | Off the Grid

A Landmark of Affordable Housing
                  Harry Bubbins Posted on November 11, 2016 

Built in 1936 as the very first public housing development in New York City or the nation, The East Village’s very own First Houses was landmarked on tomorrow’s date in 1974.
The start of urban renewal, and I do not use the term ‘slum clearance’, can be traced to the development of First Houses in the East Village. The project, which was spearheaded through the cooperation of the Federal government with that of New York City, was the first public, low-income housing project in the nation. It is located on Avenue A between 2nd and 3rd Streets and along 3rd Street. 

ニューヨーク市、そして全米で初めての公営住宅として、1936年に建てられた、イーストヴィレッジの「ファーストハウス」は1974年の11月12日に歴史的建造物になりました。このアーバンリニューアル(私は「スラム街の美化」という言葉を使いませんからこう言います)の開始は、 イーストヴィレッジの「ファーストハウス」の開発までさかのぼることができます。このプロジェクトは連邦政府とニューヨーク市の共同開発で先陣を切り、アメリカで最初の公営で低所得者向けの住宅プロジェクトとなりました。場所は、2丁目と3丁目の間のAアヴェニューと3丁目沿いです。

Today, tax breaks for real estate developers to include some affordable housing in market rate developments (or in some cases, just for building purely market rate housing) is the most common solution offered to address a lack of quality, affordable housing. But in the mid-20th century, First Houses blazed the trail for a series of sweeping public investments in infrastructure and affordable housing, which became the preferred approach to tackling these problems in this era.


Mayor LaGuardia strongly supported this experiment in affordable housing, which involved keeping and re-using existing affordable housing to make it more humane and livable. Contrast that outcome with today’s Mayor, who is supporting the demolition of five even older tenements on East 11th Street with 72 apartments to make way for a hotel developed by his donor friend and appointee to the NYC Economic Development Corporation. Both Mayor LaGuardia and Mayor de Blasio labeled themselves “progressive” politicians.


At the time First Houses was deliberately designed with a land coverage of 41.6% to allow for light and sun and open space and recreation areas, generally consistent with guidelines at the time. In an interesting reversal, the current Mayor seems to have repackaged the Bloomberg “Infill” program and is seeking to build on such open spaces in other NYCHA locations (though not First Houses). The desperate need for open green space has led people to explore the creation of underground parks.


As in many New York City Housing Authority developments, residents often struggle to get needed repairs and maintenance by the agency. But GVSHP worked with the tenants association to use the complex’s landmark designation to apply additional pressure for long-overdue repairs at the time.

多くのNYCHAの住宅団地でそうであるように、居住者は政府による修理、修繕を要求しています。しかし、GVSHP(The Greenwich Village Society for Historic Preservation ---グリニッチ・ヴィレッジ歴史保存会)は、居住者組合と力を合わせて、歴史的建造物指定条件を利用しながら、大幅に遅れている修理を進めるようさらに働きかけました。

As the designation report stated, the dedication of First Houses was a “momentous occasion not only for the City but for the entire nation, that the low height of the buildings lend a human scale of the project and encourage a feeling of neighborliness, that the landscaped courtyard, a modification of the garden apartment concept, provides an oasis for residents…”

These elements of design and public investment in repairs and creation and appropriate scale and open space remain needed lessons for today’s public policy. First Houses is as much a landmark and a beacon today as it was when first built eighty years ago, and landmarked over forty years ago.




Completed in 1935, this was the first housing project undertaken by the New York City Housing Authority and the first low-income public housing project in the nation. The buildings were designed by Frederik L. Ackerman in a simplified art deco style. The paved courtyard is enlivened by freestanding and applied animal sculpture, designed by artist associated with The Works Progress Administration.


New York Land mark Presarvation Foundation





