Talking New York --- New Yorkで見つけた英語



The New York TimesのMetropolitan Diaryからです。素朴なイラストも大好きです。ニューヨーク在住の、ニューヨークタイムズの読者が書いた日記で、イラストはAgnes Lee.(アグネス・リー)さんです。


About Metropolitan Diary   メトロポリタンダイアリーについて

Since 1976, Metropolitan Diary has been a place for New Yorkers, past and present, to share odd fleeting moments at Bloomingdale’s, at the deli around the corner, in the elevator or at the movies. Since its debut, overheard conversations have shifted from the backseat of Checker cabs to Crown Vics, from pay-phone booths to cellphones and from the IRT to the JMZ. Still, punch lines delivered by surly waiters, witty train conductors, lively bus drivers, erudite window washers and adult children facing off with an overbearing parent continue to surprise us.

(フォード社の)クラウンビクトリアへ、公衆電話のブースから携帯へ、IRT線(the Interborough Rapid Transit ---ニューヨークの5つの地区を結ぶ地下鉄)からJMZ線へ(ニューヨーク、ブルックリン地区を走る地下鉄のJ,M,Z線)と移っていきました。そして今も、無愛想なウェイター、機知に富んだ車掌、元気なバス運転手、学識のあるビルの窓ふき、威圧的な親に対抗している成人になった子供などがくれる気の利いたオチが我々を驚かせ続けています。


‘One Friday Night, I Pulled Into the Tollbooth at the Henry Hudson Bridge’ - The New York Times

June 14, 2020

That Tie

Dear Diary:

I lived in Yonkers in the 1980s, and every day I drove to and from my office in New York City.
One Friday night, I pulled into the tollbooth at the Henry Hudson Bridge, handed the female toll taker a $5 bill and stared blankly out the windshield waiting for my change.
After waiting for what seemed like a minute longer than usual, I looked up to see the toll taker holding my change and looking down.
“That tie does not go with that shirt,” she said in a loud and deliberate voice.
It occurred to me that my wife had said something similar that morning.
“My wife said the same thing,” I replied.
The woman handed me my change.
“Well,” she said, “you should have listened to her.”
— Rich Tomasulo




