Talking New York --- New Yorkで見つけた英語







3. Breadth of Vision.   ヴィジョンの息吹

“The knowledge of different literatures frees us from the tyranny of a few’ - Josi Marti (1853-1895 “On Oscar Wilde”)

---ジョシ・マーティ (1853-1895)「オスカー・ワイルドによせて」

Former brave revolutionary leader of the Cuban independence movement writes on the work of Oscar Wilde, a revolutionary himself. Two revolutionaries from different worlds. In the Library we connect that ideals of liberty, freedom, individuality appear in International chorus, thus identifying their shared core in truth.


2. Solidarity.    団結

 “There are only two or three human stories and they go on repeating themselves as fiercely as if they’d never happened before” - Willa Cather (1873-1947)


Cather was living in NY as the library was completed with her close friend Edith Lewis. Throughout Cather’s life her most significant friendships were with women, at times she adopted the name William and wore men’s clothes. Hers was a parallel with another ‘human story’ of love between two literary women: Virginia Woolf & Vita Sackville-West happening nearly simultaneously across the pond in England. Writing has often been the haven of expression for those living outside societal norms, and in turn the manuals of vision for social change are created (e.g Woolf’s gender defying novel Orlando).


1. Inspiration.     創造的思考

... the reading of good books is like a conversation with the best men of past centuries 
- René Descartes (1596-1650) , Discourse on the Method

ールネ・デカルト (1596-1650)、『方法序説』より

Rene Descartes (1596-1650), more likely to be found in Poitiers or Neuburg than midtown, would no doubt relish his inclusion in Library Way, especially after exclusion in 1663 when placed by the Pope on the Index of Prohibited Books - in such stellar company as JP Satre, Simone de Beauvoir, Victor Hugo, Jean-Jacques Rousseau, André Gide, Immanuel Kant, David Hume, Francis Bacon, John Milton, John Locke and Galileo Galilei. By supporting the library we support the free flow of free speech and shared knowledge.

ルネ・デカルト(1596-1650)については、ミッドタウンより、ポワチエやノイブルグのほうがたやすく見つけられるはずだが、ライブラリーウェイに彼が含められていることは、実にうれしいことだ。特に1663年の排斥の後。ローマ教皇によって、禁書とされたからである。その仲間たちは、JP サトレやシモーヌ・ド・ボーボワール、ヴィクトル・ユーゴー、ジャンジャック・ルソー、アンドレ・ジード、イマニュエル・カント、デヴィッド・ヒューム、フランシス・ベーコン、ジョン・ミルトン、ジョン・ロック、ガリレオ・ガリレイ、のような輝ける人物ばかりだ。図書館を支援することで、我々は言論の自由や知識の共有がよどみなく流れるのを助けているのである。

Library Way on 41st is an inspiring and touching endeavor to introduce this extraordinary building. Diverse quotations to reflect the Library collection of 15 million items, among them priceless medieval manuscripts, ancient Japanese scrolls, contemporary novels and poetry, as well as baseball cards, dime novels, comic books, and political ephemera and tracts.


So if “the avenue they’re taking you is 42nd St,” make sure you arrive via 41st, no discouragement from literature, or chickens!


補注:"42nd Street"というブロードウェイミュージカルがあります。文中の最後の"the avenue they're taking you is 42nd St"は、ミュージカルの中の歌の歌詞をモジったものです。

Best of Broadway: 42nd Street | Nine PBS


