Talking New York --- New Yorkで見つけた英語



CNNの特別番組に出演し、メトロポリタン美術館の祝賀会にも招待された、ニューヨーク州選出、アレクサンドリア・オカシオ=コルテス(Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez)下院議員が、Vogue(ファッション雑誌)の"Beauty Secrets"という動画に出演し、自身のメークをしている動画を公開しました。



Congresswoman Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez's Guide to Her Signature Red Lip | Beauty Secrets | Vogue


Femininity has power. And in politics, there is so much criticism and nitpicking about how women and fem people present ourselves. Just being a woman is quite politicized here in Washington. There's this really false idea that if you care about makeup or if you care, if your interests are in beaty and fashion, that's somehow for the least. But I actually think these are some of the most substantive decisions that we make them every morning. 



One of the reasons why I even started wearing a red lip was when I was running in my primary election the first time and outside of our community, no one knew who I was and we were out, we were knocking doors, we were making sure that people were being heard. 
And one of the things that I had realized is that sometimes the best way to really look put together is a bold lip. And of course, being Latina, this is like very much our culture where we come from. I will wear red lip when I want confidence, when I need a boost of confidence. 


Our culture is so predicated on diminishing women, right? And kind of preying on ourself esteem. And so it's quite a radical, my opinion, it's quite a radical act and it's almost like a mini protest to love yourself in a society that's always trying to tell you, you're not the right way, you're not the right color, you're not the right, you know, whatever it is. When you stand up and you say, you know what, you don't make that decision, I make that decision. It's very powerful. But that doesn't mean we can't have fun. 


you cannot get your feeling of beauty and confidence from anyone but yourself. You, that is one of the most ultimate gifts that you have to give to yourself. I just decided I'm not going to waste my time, and if I'm going to spend an hour in the morning doing my glam, it's not going to be because I'm afraid of what some Republican photo is going to look like. If I'm gonna do an hour doing my glam, it's because I feel like it. And that's really the difference, my body, my choce. 



What we are also seeing all too often is that women who wear makeup, is there are studies that show that women who wear makeup or regularly wear like a decent amount of makeup, 
kind of show up to the office in glam also make more money. And so at that point, it stops being these calculations and decisions, stop being about choice. And they start being about patriarchy where if we look attractive to men, then we will be compensated more. And that's to me is the complete antithesis of what beauty should be about. I think beauty should be about the person who is applying it.  And so these things add up over time.  And of all of that, we're not even paid at the same level as men. And so our expenses are higher, our time is less and we're not even getting paid at an equal rate. Can't catch a break.


We live in systems that were largely built for the convenience of men, and oftentimes were designed with the subjugation of women and queer people in mind. And so everytime we make a decision, when you make a decision for you, I'm going to do this, I'm not going to do this thing that's expected of me because if it's expected of me just because it's been the norm. Who has the norm been serving?


I think that the queer community has really payed the way on this. The way that they use beauty as a form of self expression from drag Queens, to just to, non-binary people and how they choose to use beauty to express themselves is a lesson to everybody. And I think it's really amazing. 



One area where I recently that actually recently went very well was glitter in eyeshadow. I used to think that I wouldn't be, I would be taken less seriously and as you know, as the youngest woman in Congress , and as a woman of color, it's so hard to be taken seriously. 
It's just, you know, it's like any workplace where sometimes it feels like you have to jump up and down for anyone to listen. It's just really difficult because some people are just born in bodies that are naturally taken more seriously, you know. I used to think that glitter or shimmery eyeshadow, I'm just using this pallet right now, but there is others that I use that are like even louder sometimes.


16:36 あたりから

If I had to give one piece of advice, it is that the key to beauty is the inside job. The key to beauty is feeling beautiful and no amount of money or makeup can really compensate for loving yourself. And so make sure that you do that. That is the one foundation of everything. 
And if you need a little boost or if you're feeling particularly challenged that day, Look in the mirror and say, I'm the bomb and I will make the world a better place in my own little pocket, because that's what I'm here to do. You are a blessing to the world. Your talents are a blessing to the world. No matter who you are, there is something that you bring and  you need to know that.  And that is the least beauty secret of them all. 


Alright, I got my blazer on and I'm ready to seize the day, and make sure that you,  make sure that you kiss someone that you love. That they give you a little love and that you're ready to go. 
So this Congresswoman Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, I hope you feel beautiful, however you are, and let's go seize the day and find the power. 



アメリカは共和党と民主党の二大政党ですが、民主党の中でも、DSA---Democratic Socialists of America (アメリカ民主社会主義者)と呼ばれる人たちや団体は、最も急進的だと言われています。10年前のウォール街占拠の運動を率いたのも彼らでした。



