Talking New York --- New Yorkで見つけた英語



あまり大きく報じられなかったと思いますが、ELEMINIST というサイトで次のように日本語で説明されています。原文は、こちらです。


「化石賞」とは、環境NGO「Climate Action Network(CAN)」が、気候変動対策に対して足を引っ張った国に与える賞のこと。気候変動への取り組みが「後退している」ことを「化石」と表現して皮肉ったもので、受賞すること自体がとても不名誉なことだ。CANは130か国の1800以上の団体からなるNGOネットワークで、世界各地のNGOが受賞者を決定する。

各国の代表が集まり、気候変動対策について議論するCOP(国連気候変動枠組条約締約国会議)の第5回目会議(COP5)から始まり、COP開催中はほぼ毎日のように「本日の化石賞(Fossil of the Day)」が発表されている。

日本は3年連続で受賞 その理由は?





11月9日 日本
11月10日 エジプト
11月11日 アメリカ・ロシア・エジプト・UAE
11月12日 アメリカ
11月14日 ニュージーランド
11月15日 トルコ
11月16日 ロシア


Fossil Day 1: COP27: First ´Fossil of the Day´goes to... Japan - Climate Action Network

Today is Finance Day at COP27, which makes it the perfect time to reflect on the climate-related financial flows of the world’s rich countries. And no country’s finance is flowing more than Japan’s – but in the completely wrong direction.


Japan is the world’s largest public financier for oil, gas, and coal projects, contributing $10.6 billion USD per year on average between 2019 and 2021. Despite the international recognition that meeting the 1.5℃ goal means ending investment in fossil fuels, the Japanese government is making huge efforts to export false solutions to other countries such as using ammonia for coal-fired power plants, which just meant to extend the life of coal power beyond 2030.


As you may or may not have even noticed, PM Kishida didn’t come to the Leaders Summit here in Sharm. Maybe he was too busy promoting false solutions in Japan?


In a year of unprecedented climate disasters, with vulnerable communities all over the world suffering from the impacts of climate change, Japan’s public finances are flowing into the fossil fuel projects responsible for this destruction rather than going towards financing the loss and damage caused by its own greenhouse gas emissions.


The institution of environmental sciences
によると、"Climate Finance"とは次のような意味です。

Climate finance is a key issue being discussed at this year’s climate conference: COP27. It refers to financing used for climate change mitigation and adaptation, as well as the loss and damage from climate change impacts. It can be sourced from a number of areas (public and private), using different types of financial instruments and at varying scales (local, national or transnational).


Climate finance is a key aspect of the UNFCCC, with the principle of “common but differentiated responsibility and respective capabilities” stipulating the need for developed countries to support developing countries financially with mitigation and adaptation methods, in recognition that developed countries have typically caused the majority of anthropogenic emissions to date. 


The obligation for developed countries to lead the mobilisation of climate finance and to support developing countries was reaffirmed in the Paris Agreement, with developed countries committed to collectively mobilise $100bn annually in climate finance to support developing countries by 2020.




