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400戸の空室 をホームレスのために修繕。その費用は?


NYC will repair vacant rent-stabilized apartments to house homeless New Yorkers | 6sqft

NYC will repair 400 vacant rent-stabilized apartments to house homeless New Yorkers

THU, APRIL 20, 2023

Photo by Anthony Fomin on Unsplash

New York City will invest up to $10 million to provide homeless New Yorkers with newly repaired, rent-stabilized homes. As part of the new “Unlocking Doors” program, the city will invest up to $25,000 for urgent renovations at 400 rent-stabilized homes that have fallen into disrepair and are unavailable for rent. The city will then match households with City Fighting Homeless and Eviction Prevention Supplement (CityFHEPS) vouchers with the new apartments.  

ニューヨーク市は、ホームレスのニューヨーカーに新しく修理された家賃安定住宅を提供するために、最大1,000万ドル(約13億円)を投資します。新しい「アンロッキング・ドア」プログラムの一環として、市は、荒廃して貸せない状態の家賃安定住宅400戸を緊急に修繕するため、1戸当たり最大25,000ドルを投資します。そして市は、「ホームレスと強制退去防止策(City Fighting Homeless and Eviction Prevention Supplement---CityFHEPS)」の対象証明のある家族に改修済みのアパートを提供する予定です。

“Our administration is ‘unlocking doors’ and giving New Yorkers the key not just to a new home, but also to a brighter, safer, more prosperous future,” Mayor Eric Adams said.


“Since we released ‘Housing Our Neighbors’ last year, getting New Yorkers into safe, high-quality, affordable homes has been this administration’s north star. And with this innovative program, we are doing exactly that while tackling two major challenges at the same time — adding much-needed, affordable housing supply to the market and connecting some of the lowest-income New Yorkers living in shelters with high-quality, permanent housing.”

「昨年、『隣人に家を(Housing Our Neighbors)』を発表して以来、ニューヨーク市民を安全で質の高い、手頃な家賃の住宅に入居させることが、本政権の指針です。この革新的なプログラムによって、私たちはまさにそれを実現し、同時に2つの大きな課題に取り組んでいます。つまり、市場に必要な手頃な価格の住宅を供給し、シェルターで暮らす低所得のニューヨーク市民を高品質で永続的な住宅と結び付けます。」

The program will start accepting applicants this summer and aims to encourage property owners with very low-rent apartments to make their units habitable and safe for prospective tenants. New Yorkers will receive a two-year lease with a rent-stabilized monthly rent and can use their CityFHEPS vouchers to pay up to one-third of their income for rent, with the city covering the rest.


In order to apply for the program as a property owner, owners must prove that their apartment is “chronically vacant,” and has been registered with the state’s Homes and Community Renewal (NYS HCR) as continuously vacant. Their apartment must also not exceed program-specific rent thresholds, and they must be willing to sign a rent-stabilized lease with a CityFHEPS voucher holder.

このプログラムに応募できる不動産オーナーは、所有するアパートが「慢性的な空き家」であることを証明し、継続的な空き家として州の「住居とコミュニティーの改善プログラム---Houses and Community Renewal (NYS HCR) 」に登録することが必要です。また、そのアパートがプログラム指定の家賃基準を超えていないこと、シティFHEPS証明保有者と家賃安定型の賃貸契約を結ぶ意思があることも必要です。

While the city is still determining the exact eligibility criteria, the program will focus on units at the lowest stabilized rent levels, or around $1,200 per month for a one-bedroom apartment. Property owners won’t receive repair expenses until an eligible New Yorker with a CityFHEPS voucher moves in.


The city’s “Unlocking Doors” program builds upon key goals set in Mayor Eric Adams’ “Housing Our Neighbors” blueprint that was released last summer. 


During 2022, 38,621 of the city’s approximately one million rent-stabilized apartments were registered as vacant, according to City Limits. This comes at a time when the city has record-high rents and more than 70,000 people sleeping in homeless shelters every night.


The announcements come as the city continues to struggle with a severe housing shortage. In March, it was revealed that NYC’s multi-family housing production was down for the third straight month, with less than 30 total filings for new developments across the five boroughs. In order for the city to keep up with its projected growth, 560,000 new homes need to be created.




