Can Errands Be Enjoyable Exercise?
How can we work more exercise into our days in a way that’s both enjoyable and sustainable?
María Jesús Contreras
I have a volatile relationship with my fitness tracker. We’re on again off again, depending on the latest study (10,000? 15,000? 4,000?) and how many workouts I’ve managed that week. When I’ve missed a run or skipped leg day, I’m much more attentive to my step count. “Well, at the very least you accidentally walked 3.36 miles today,” I might tell myself at the end of a day during which I’ve barely locomoted, assembling my meager step collection through commuting to the office and, while there, going to get water twice, possibly three times, depending, again, on the latest study (64 ounces? Get it from fruits and vegetables? If you’re thirsty it’s too late?).
(Fitness Trackerの詳細説明はこちらにあります。)
I found myself recently rambling about the manicured campus of a sprawling outdoor outlet mall. Before you remind me that I do not need any more stuff, I will tell you I was there really just out of curiosity. Who was spending their perfectly warm but not-too-warm late Sunday afternoon in pursuit of bargains? A good proportion of the greater New York City area’s population, it turned out. All of us, dull of eye and shuffling of foot, ambling the brick pathways from one shop to the next when the weather was practically begging us to go for a bike ride or a swim instead.
An hour in, outside a high-tech outerwear boutique, the sort of place where real athletes buy performance gear for the sports I was not participating in, I checked my step count: 5,700. Perhaps the day wouldn’t be lost entirely to sloth, I reasoned. By the time I made it back to the car, which I’d (virtuously, I reminded myself) parked a good distance from the shops to avoid paying for parking, I’d clocked over 13,000 steps.
そんなことで1時間経って、ハイテク・アウター・ウエアのブティックの前に来ました。その場所は、プロのアスリートが私がやったことのないようなスポーツで使う、特別な運動量測定器を買うような場所でした。そこで、私は自分の歩数をチェックしてみました。 5,700歩。これって、 もしかしたら、この日は怠惰な一日ではなかったかもしれない、と考えました。(正直に思い返せば、)車は駐車料金を払わなくてもいいように、わざわざ店から少し離れた場所に停めて歩いたのですが、その車に戻ったときには私の歩数は13,000歩以上を記録していました。
I know! What was next for me? A world championship title? Biking 11 miles to and from Costco with a trailer of groceries, as Andrew Leonard has been doing since his car broke down three years ago? Leonard has found errand-running to be his ideal form of exercise: a healthy routine that’s intrinsically motivated by his love of cycling and his love of getting things done.
I’ll admit I’ve tended to look askance at incidental exercise. I like intentional movement, a workout that begins and ends and then I’ve fulfilled my contract. It’s not fashionable to admit this. “Take the stairs!” instruct people who see the world as their gym. “Get off the subway one stop early!” lecture those who do not leave a precise two-and-a-half-minute cushion to get from their house to their first meeting.
“The most important thing,” a physical activity psychologist told Leonard, “is that people find ways to make their burst of exercise — be it walking the dog or biking to Costco — the most enjoyable possible.” I have a friend who’s permanently moved her therapy appointments to the phone so she can walk and talk and get her steps in. I remember a colleague telling me about how she brushed her teeth in a squat, a twice-a-day mini glute workout.
Where can we, you and I, get more exercise in an enjoyable way? The problem, I find, is what we qualify as “enjoyable.” I told myself that I enjoyed stretching during conference calls while working from home, but it was so enjoyable that I did it for two days and then never again. I respond well to arbitrarily self-imposed rules, so I’m toying with a carrot-and-stick approach. I love listening to podcasts and audiobooks. If I make a rule that I can finish “The Sullivanians” only if I am walking while I do it, there’s a very good likelihood I’ll lace up.
How do you fold exercise into your everyday? How do you make it enjoyable when a far more attractive option is, say, taking a nap? Tell me.