The feeling of entrapment I felt moving from a highly walkable European city to a car-brained American suburb is difficult to describe. You can feel your body slowly atrophying in the absence of constant walking, even when you make time for daily "exercise." Life becomes a series of car trips between static locations, with no interaction with the world in between. Restaurants and stores are surrounded by parking lots; there is nowhere pleasant to sit outdoors. It's a deeply unsettling and constraining lifestyle, with neither the benefits of rural beauty nor the healthiness of urbanism. Americans have been brainwashed into thinking this is normal, even desirable. It's tragic.
I live on the coast of the Gulf of Mexico in the Deep South. Hot for most of the year with monsoons, hurricanes, floods, and drought. Zero places to walk unless you go to a park. Even then, most towns don't have many of those.
Walk to do errands? Not unless I want to get run over by a monster truck and/or pass out from heat exhaustion. I take that risk whenever I step out of my house for a walk or run around the neighborhood....
As for work, it's 4 10s mostly in front of a computer with breaks to take walks when I can. Up at 5 am 4 days a week so I can exercise indoors (no runs outside when it's still 90 F at 5 am). No walking to work on in office days for the same reason there's no walking to the store. Maybe a walk around the parking lot between meetings.
If you get the impression that I hate living here, you are correct. Nothing about this region of the country encourages a healthy lifestyle. I'll be glad when I can cut ties with my industry relocate to another part of the country. Or maybe another country altogether.
(the Deep South)
I live in suburban sprawl Orange County, but limit my driving to 100 miles per month. Each time I drive, I have at least 5 errands.
Most errands around home is done on a bike with rear basket, a pair of paniers and my backpack which together carry five grocery bags. I love it that the county's buses have racks in front for bikes. I often bike/bus to visit my mom 25 miles away. For me the motivation is exercise and climate change.
I go to the gym, a 25-minute walk, almost every day. On my way to and from the gym, I listen to songs from my playlist, wearing earphones and immerse myself in a world of my own. Setting my walking pace to music, the road looks like a stage of my solo-performance without audience. Concentrating on the background of the song and the way the singer sings it, I can discover things I have never paid my attentions to before. Nobody is watching there if I sing along while doing ridiculous movements! It is my favorite time.
ほぼ毎日、徒歩25分のジムに通っています。ジムの行き帰りは、イヤホンをしてプレイリストの曲を聴きながら、自分だけの世界に浸ります。歩くペースを音楽に合わせると、道路がまるで観客のいないソロ・パフォーマンスの舞台のように見えます。曲の背景や歌い方に集中することで、今まで気にしたこともなかったような発見があります。ばかげた動きをしながら歌っても、誰も見ていません! 大好きな時間です。
At the gym, I take lessons that make me enjoy myself and feel fulfillments. I sweat about two towels with dance-based fitness. I like to move my body to music. Housework is not as much of a workout as it used to be thanks to today's advanced appliances. I love the dishwasher!