Want to Write a Review? Here’s Advice From New York Times Critics. - The New York Times
Want to Write a Review? Here’s Advice From New York Times Critics.
In four short videos, A.O. Scott, Maya Phillips, Jon Pareles and Jennifer Szalai share with students their tips for writing reviews.
Note: Our Student Review Contest is open from Nov. 10 to Dec. 15.
A.O. Scott, Maya Phillips, Jon Pareles and Jennifer Szalai
By Callie Holtermann and C. Ross Flatt
You probably have a slew of opinions on the books, movies, video games and music you love and loathe. With some patience and attention, you can turn these opinions into a piece of written criticism: a review.
Advice from experts might help. To support students who are interested in writing their own reviews, whether for our annual review contest or just for fun, we asked Times critics who work in four different genres to share their advice.
In the four short videos below, you’ll learn more about how to explain your opinion, persuade a reader, consider a work’s context and examine the artist’s intent. For each video, we provide reflection questions to help students apply the advice to their own writing.
Explain your opinion.
A.O. Scott, a chief film critic at The Times, told us that a review should share the writer’s opinion and explain why he or she feels that way. An opinion alone is not enough, he said: “The only way you get anyone else interested in it is if you can explain it.”
タイムズ紙のチーフ映画評論家、A.O.スコットは、評論は書き手の意見を共有し、なぜそう思うのかを説明するものであるべきだと語っています。意見だけでは不十分だということです。 「他の人に興味を持ってもらう唯一の方法は、それを説明すること」と述べています。
How to Write Movie Reviews with A.O. Scott
I would say the biggest piece of advice that I have about reviewing is that you need to figure out what you think.
A review is not just simply your opinion about something. It's not just I like this, I thought this was bad, I thought this was good, That's not a review, that's not criticism, that's an opinion.
It doesn't help anyone else figure anything out about that movie.
I'm A.O. Scott. I'm one of two chief film critics at the New York Times. I review comedies, action movies, sad movies, happy movies, boring movies and I get to see them all and write about them all.
① Describe the movie ---don't just summarize.
One thing that you do want to avoid is too much plot summary. It's much more important to use that information that you give about the plot and the characters and what happens to talk about what the movie is like, which is not exactly the same.
Describing and summarizing are two different things, because a description can draw on all different aspects in all different parts of a movie.
What does it look like? What are you seeing when you're looking at the screen? Are the colors bright? Are they dark? Is it in black and white? What does the music sound like? What do the sets look like? Is it realistic? Is it fantastical?
描写というのはどんな感じなのでしょう?スクリーンを見ているとき、あなたの眼には何が入りますか?色は明るい?暗い?白黒?音楽はどんな感じ?セットは? リアル?幻想的?
All of these things really matter a lot, because they're helping someone from a picture in their mind of what they're going to see if they go see this movie.
② Explain your opinion to your reader.
So what you have to do the most important thing is to figure out what your opinion is and how you're going to explain it to someone else.
You have a reader who wants to know what you think, and wants to know, this is the most important thing, why you think what you think. Why didn't you like that movie? Why did you like that movie? What was good about it? What was boring about it? What was exciting about it?
Your job is to explain that, not just to state your opinion. Your opinion is valuable. It's your opinion. You have a right to it, but the only way you get anyone else interested in it is if you can explain it.
あなたがすべきことはそれを説明することであり、単にあなたの意見を言うだけではありません。 あなたの意見には価値があります。あなたの意見だからです。あなたには意見を言う権利があります。しかし、その意見にみんなが興味を持つかどうかは、あなたが説明できるかということにつきます。
⓷ Use compelling language --- not just adjectives.
You want to really convey your enthusiasm without just throwing adjectives at movies.
You wanna be persuasive. You wanna write just as well when you're praising something as you did when you were attacking something.
If it is a positive review, you wanna kind of calculate your language so that you're conveying that you like this movie. Infuse your language with feeling with passion, with energy .
And sometimes that’s negative. Sometimes you really don't like something, so you want to find the language, and sometimes it's a kind of language of mockery of making fun of something of being sort of mean and clever.
④ Take some time to process the movie.
I like to have three or four days or a week just to sort of process the experience. A lot of times, you walk out of a movie. Movies are very powerful art from, it's very powerful medium, you know. Movies can manipulate you using, you know , music and action and all kind of techniques to sort of to generate feelings in you.
So I like to let those feelings sit and cool down for a while and think about well why, you know, Yes, Okay, I was choked up at that emotional scene because the music was playing and the actors were doing something but really the story didn't earn that kind of emotion.
⑤ Remember that you're trying to help your reader.
It is in the end my job to see these movies and to be helpful to people. To help them in a way figure out based on their own tastes and their own interests whether something will be worth their time and money.
第2回目は、"Art and Culture"(芸術と文化)担当者が教えてくれるレビューの書き方です。