Talking New York --- New Yorkで見つけた英語



ニューヨーク、ユニオンスクェア駅目の前のホールフーズマーケットの2階(the Loft)で見た1枚のポスター(昨日のブログにあります。)から、IRC(International Rescue Committee---国際救済委員会)をもう少し知りたくなり、まずポスターにあった、refugees(難民)について、正確な知識を得ることにしました。



UNHCRのホームページに行ってみました。"UNHCR" =Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees


"Who is a refugee?
A refugee is someone who has been forced to flee his or her country because of persecution, war or violence. A refugee has a well-founded fear of persecution for reasons of race, religion, nationality, political opinion or membership in a particular social group. Most likely, they cannot return home or are afraid to do so. War and ethnic, tribal and religious violence are leading causes of refugees fleeing their countries.
Two-thirds of all refugees worldwide come from just five countries: Syria, Afghanistan, South Sudan, Myanmar and Somalia. "





"The 1951 Refugee Convention is the key legal document that forms the basis of our work. Ratified​ by 145 State parties, it defines the term ‘refugee’ and outlines the rights of the displaced, as well as the legal obligations of States to protect them."


そして、"convention and protocol relating to the status of refugees" の14ページに難民の定義がありました。

"definition of the term “refugee”"    「難民」という言葉の定義

"A. For the purposes of the present Convention, the term “refugee” shall apply to any person who:
(1) Has been considered a refugee under the Arrangements of 12 May 1926 and 30 June 1928 or under the Conventions of 28 October 1933 and 10 February 1938, the Protocol of 14 September 1939 or the Constitution of the International Refugee Organization; Decisions of non-eligibility taken by the International Refugee Organization during the period of its activities shall not prevent the status of refugee being accorded to persons who fulfil the conditions of paragraph 2 of this section;"

A. 現条約において、「難民」という言葉は次のように定義される。

"(2) As a result of events occurring before 1 January 1951 and owing to wellfounded fear of being persecuted for reasons of race, religion, nationality, membership of a particular social group or political opinion, is outside the country of his nationality and is unable or, owing to such fear, is unwilling to avail himself of the protection of that country; or who, not having a nationality and being outside the country of his former habitual residence as a result of such events, is unable or, owing to such fear, is unwilling to return to it. In the case of a person who has more than one nationality, the term “the country of his nationality” shall mean each of the countries of which he is a national, and a person shall not be deemed to be lacking the protection of the country of his nationality if, without any valid reason based on well-founded fear, he has not availed himself of the protection of one of the countries of which he is a national."



紛争や暴力、迫害によって移動を強いられた人 —– 6850万人
2017年に新たに移動を強いられた人 —– 1620万人
難民発生国 —– 57%が3カ国に集中
庇護申請者  —– 310万人
 新たな庇護申請  —– 170万人
 18歳未満の子ども  —– 52%

ここまできてやっと、"VISON NOT VICTIM"というポスターの趣旨が分かった気がします。

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