"Youth Today"がどんなことをやっているのか、何を伝えようとしているのかが分りました。(→こちら。)
"Youth Today"の記事は、下からの引用です。
We Can Close Poor Students’ Gap With Better Trauma-informed Education
The New York Foundling has been protecting children and strengthening families for nearly 150 years and is now one of oldest and largest child welfare organizations in the country. Some years ago, The Foundling began focusing on education, recognizing that it is the key to developing healthy futures for our youth. It launched Mott Haven Academy Charter School, where two-thirds of the student body is from the child welfare system and one-third is from the surrounding community in the Bronx — one of the poorest in the country. Our goal was to create a learning environment in which victims of trauma could thrive and to share the lessons learned along the way with others in our field who are dealing with the same challenges.
That was 10 years ago. Our experiment has proven successful, but not without its struggles, as we had to create a new educational model for a population with which no one previously had achieved sustained success. Our children are performing extremely well and, equally important, we now have a greater understanding of what works and how to replicate it.
Initially, we found progress elusive. It was only after more fully appreciating the effect trauma has on a child’s learning process and incorporating that into our curriculum that real achievement occurred. Having gone through that process, we now have strong evidence that our approach is working.
Last year:
- Overall, in both English and math, the percentage of students with passing scores at Haven Academy was triple the percentage in the surrounding community school district.
- Our students’ performance also exceeded the averages for New York City, New York state and other charter schools.
- Many students with IEPs for Special Education needs became “declassified” or required fewer services as their academic progress deepened.
- The formation of healthy attachments enabled struggling students to close the gap between them and their peers, making more than 1.4 years of academic progress.
- Student attrition was very low and more than 90 percent or more teachers and staff have returned each year.
・全体的に国語と数学では、ヘブンアカデミーでの合格レベルに達した生徒の割合が 周辺の学校の3倍だった。
・「特別教育」のためのIEP(Individualized Educational Program---個人教育プログラム)を受けている多くのは生徒は、学習の成果が高まるにつれて、情報が機密扱いにされなくなり、必要な指導が少なくて済むようになっている。
"trauma-informed" education では、トラウマを取り除く教育ではなく、トラウマが作用する影響を正しく認識した上でのカリキュラムの作成、そして、先生たちがそれに沿った指導内容を実践していくというものです。このことがヘブンアカデミーで実証されたということは、とても大きなことだと思います。
English.ラボでは、日本の教育についても考えています。英語教育のありかたもね。まもなく、Teachers' Sessionも始めますよ!お問い合わせはEnglishラボのホームページから、MisTyまで。(英語の先生じゃなくてもOKよ!)
こちらです。→TheHours | Opinion | 時事問題|ニューヨーク | 英語学習
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