ウォールストリートにあった、"Evacuation Day"は「避難の日」ではなかった。
"Evacuation Day"は、「避難の日」ではなくて、「撤退の日」でした。イギリス軍がマンハッタン島のニューヨークから引き上げた日です。
Evacuation Day (New York) - Wikipedia
British evacuation
In mid-August 1783, Sir Guy Carleton, then the last British Army and Royal Navy commander in the former British North America, received orders from his superiors in London for the evacuation of New York. He informed the President of the Confederation Congress that he was proceeding with the subsequent withdrawal of refugees, liberated slaves, and military personnel as fast as possible, but that it was not possible to give an exact date because the number of refugees entering the city recently had increased dramatically (more than 29,000 Loyalist refugees eventually were evacuated from the city).
The British also evacuated over 3,000 Black Loyalists, former slaves they had liberated from the Americans, to Nova Scotia, East Florida, the Caribbean, and London, and refused to return them to their American slaveholders and overseers as the provisions of the Treaty of Paris had required them to do. The Black Brigade were among the very last to depart.
Carleton gave a final evacuation date of 12:00 noon on November 25, 1783. An anecdote by New York physician Alexander Anderson told of a scuffle between a British officer and the proprietress of a boarding house, as she defiantly raised her own American flag before noon. Following the departure of the British, the city was secured by American troops under the command of General Henry Knox.
"Talking New York"は、この4月でブログ開始から1年を迎えました。