Talking New York --- New Yorkで見つけた英語



ニューヨーク市博物館の大きな役割として、「ニューヨークで起こったことを記録し、歴史に残す」というものがあります。"Stories"と題して、様々な動きとその原因を探っています。今日のブログはその"Stories : Movements and Causes"からのものです。


Beyond  the Numbers: The 2020 Census and the COVID-19 Pandemic


Thursday, April 9, 2020 by Monxo López

The enumeration conducted by the census offers a high-resolution view of the United States population. But beyond that, the census itself as a process offers a glimpse into conditions in the country at the moment the counting takes place. The questions it asks, the labels it uses to refer to groups of people, the conditions under which the enumeration actually occurs, the statistical methods and tools used for the counting after enumeration, the reactions by individual states to official results: it all reflects wider and important socio-economic, political, and even philosophical trends in the country and our city.

In 2020, the census is being conducted mostly online—a significant change after decades of households mailing their self-reported answers. Responses to the census are to reflect household situations as of April 1, 2020 (Census Day). However, on that specific date, New York City was under a lockdown order due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Schools and non-essential businesses were shuttered, hundreds of New Yorkers were unemployed, and many dying in a tragedy of stunning proportions. Given this pandemic context, how might the current COVID-19 crisis be reflected in the 2020 census? The impact could be felt not just in terms of the hard numbers, but also in the level of participation and the time it takes to process the data, among other factors.

This idea of the census-as-mirror of wider societal context is as old as the census itself. Consider, for example, something as fundamental to the history and identity of our country as the institution of slavery. The infamous “Three-Fifths Compromise” (Article 1, Section 2, Clause 3 of the US Constitution) can be understood as a set of special instructions about how to weigh the human beings enumerated in the census for purposes of taxation and political representation. It is interesting to see how this clause affected enumerations during the period. Enslaved people were recorded individually as the enumerator found them in each household; but they were subsequently counted as three-fifths (60 percent) of a human being, not as full persons. 

While at our country’s founding northern delegates to the Constitutional Convention in Philadelphia had objected to the counting of enslaved people at all in the proposed federal census, southern white slaveholders won a significant but partial victory. Tallying three-fifths of each enslaved person translated into a larger number of pro-slavery southern congressmen who would be able to sit in the new House of Representatives, thereby claiming a larger share in controlling national policy. It also gave southern states considerably more electoral votes in presidential elections than they would have had if only free people had been counted.




1. Aaron Burr, the third vice president of the United States, famous for his fatal duel with Alexander Hamilton, is listed second from the bottom on this page from the 1790 census.
1. アーロン・バーは、アメリカ合衆国の3代目副大統領で、アレクサンダー・ハミルトンとの市の決闘で有名であるが、1790年の国勢調査のこのページの下から2番目のリストに名前が記録されている。


"Aaron Burr"がここに出てくるとは! 以前"Got Milk?"について書いたブログで、面白いCMの動画を載せたことがありました。
そこに出てきたのが、"Aaron Burr"でした。アメリカ人ならだれでも知ってる、決闘で有名な政治家。

Got Milk? Aaron Burr Commercial (1993)


