Talking New York --- New Yorkで見つけた英語



ニューヨーク市博物館(Museum of the city of New York)では、昨年、現在の状況を予想するかのように、"Germ City"をテーマにした展示が行なわれていました。


         (ニューヨーク市博物館"Why the Census Matters"より)

As an example, towards the bottom of this page of the 1790 census, we can see specific numbers for the New York City household of Aaron Burr, the third vice president of the United States. The census shows that there were four free persons living with Burr, and that he also owned five enslaved human beings; meaning that a majority of the people living with Burr were enslaved. 

This is the actual number and condition of the persons living in his household; we know this thanks to the census. However, the political, economic, and social system of the time then proceeded to count those five enslaved persons as three persons, denying all of them of their full personhood. Another way to think about it is that in the specific case of Burr’s household, the Three-Fifths Compromise expunged and denied the very existence of two enslaved persons. Even though the Three-Fifths Clause was concocted to satisfy white southerners, it also applied in New York, where slavery continued until 1827, and elsewhere in the north where slavery still existed when the Constitution was drafted in 1787.

As it pertains the US census, this state of affairs persisted until the last enumeration before the Civil War, that of 1860. Ironically, 1860 is the first time Native Americans were officially counted (provided they had renounced “tribal rules”). Between the 1860 and 1870 enumerations, the United States went through a devastating Civil War (1861-1865); and once again, the census reflected the momentous changes brought about by this fratricidal conflict, in which slavery was the main casus bellis. 

The 1870 census is the first in which African Americans we recounted as full persons, and as a result, the first that allows us to see—however incompletely—the conditions of African-American life throughout the country. The census was one of the ways in which African Americans were granted legal personhood in the United States. And, perhaps just as significantly, the Census has been one of the few institutions in which the rights of African Americans have never been successfully rolled back. 

Ten years later, during the 1880 Census, women were allowed to work as enumerators for the first time, reflecting wider social trends about the role of women in American society. These are general examples of how the larger process of the Census, and not just the data we can obtain from its enumeration, offer us a glimpse into wider and profound societal changes at specific points in American history.

Yet, for New York City, we need to remember that the most salient characteristic in our relationship with the federal census has been an ever-present concern that the city’s population is being undercounted. Indeed, since the first national census in 1790, New York City has regularly contested the official count offered by the federal government, claiming a larger population than the federal government has attributed to us. The negative impact of an undercount in terms of political power and federal monies is significant.

2. Both New York State and New York City have frequently found themselves at odds with the federal government over the problem of undercounts as illustrated through these newspaper headlines.




