Talking New York --- New Yorkで見つけた英語




彼らは、"Central Park Conservation"というように、"conservation"という言葉を使っています。


the protection of natural things such as animals, plants, forests etc, to prevent them from being spoiled or destroyed





A Shared Space: Finding Connection Through Conservation

As New Yorkers, we don’t often feel the grass beneath our feet. Fortunately, urban greenspaces like Central Park offer a place to stretch our legs, get fresh air, and bask in the beauty of nature. The Park also connects city dwellers to something even larger than the skyscrapers that loom above us. Intricate and dynamic ecological systems exist with these 843 acres, and while we need this space for reflection and recreation, many other species count on it for survival.


These myriad purposes of the Park are integral to the Central Park Conservancy’s strategy to care for this space, especially in the face of our most daunting global challenges. As climate change causes frequent and severe heat waves, intense storms and droughts, and alarming rates of extinction (an estimated one million species are now threatened), our Park community is adapting with intention, expertise, and a sense of possibility.


That hope is foundational to the modern conservation movement, which has made great strides despite the converging climate crisis and coronavirus pandemic. Forced to reckon with the problems that emerge when humans destroy natural habitats, it can be hard to feel hopeful. But humans, for all our foibles and fraught efforts, have the capacity to change.


We sat down with Michelle Nijhuis, author of Beloved Beasts: Fighting for Life in an Age of Extinction, to talk about what we can do to preserve natural spaces. And it turns out, a good place to start is right in your own (urban) backyard. These global problems are enormous—but then again, so are the opportunities. Here are some key takeaways from our conversation.


Beloved Beasts: Fighting for Life in an Age of Extinction (English Edition)
Beloved Beasts: Fighting for Life in an Age of Extinction (English Edition)
W. W. Norton & Company
Digital Ebook Purchas

Every time we visit Central Park, we’re entering the home of many species of mammals, birds, reptiles, insects, and amphibians who depend on it for sustenance and shelter. “Conservation is about people living successfully alongside other species,” Nijhuis explains, not just protecting them in isolation. She highlights Central Park as a prime example of a place valuable to humans, while simultaneously benefitting other species by being part of a larger ecological network.

が生命を維持し、危険を回避するための住処を訪れているのです。「自然保護とは他の種とうまく共生しながら暮らしている人間に関することであり、」ただ生き物を隔離して保護することではないと、ニジウィス("Beloved Beasts"の著者Michelle Nijhuis)は説明しています。彼女はセントラルパークはより大きな生態系のネットワークの一部として他の種に多大な恩恵を与えていると同時に、人間にとって貴重である場所の最高の見本であるとしています。

The staff at the Central Park Conservancy is deeply familiar with this symbiotic relationship. The health of each landscape—whether a water body, woodland, meadow, or lawn—effects the next, as well as the species who depend on it and the visitors who enjoy it. By cultivating ecosystems that support rather than compete with each other, our staff, with the public’s support, contributes to a stronger, more sustainable greenspace.





