Talking New York --- New Yorkで見つけた英語


「最後の3頭(The Last Three)」がこんなに反響を呼んでいたとは!


その中で、彼らは"The Last Three"(最後の3頭)という、絶滅の危機に瀕している北シロサイの3頭を彫刻にして展示していたことが分かりました。


動画はジリーとマークのホームページにあったものです。 (彼らのホームページの中の英語については、近日中にご紹介しようと思っています。)

The Last Three Northern White Rhinos

After 20 plus years of conservation campaigning, Rhino poaching was at an all time high.
Clearly, something wasn't working.


Gillie and Mark traveled to Kenya to visit the northern white rhinos at old Peshitta Conservancy, and studied them for 12 months. The artists understood soon, and urgent solution would be needed to alter history and save rhinos. They decided to make the world's biggest Rhino sculpture and install it in the heart of the world's biggest city.  A new approach unlike anything before it,


At the start of 2018, Sudan, the last male northern white rhino fell critically ill. Urgently working to complete the sculpture before his death, Gillie and Mark launched "The Last Three" on March 14th in Astor Place New York City.

2018年始め、最後の雄のキタシロサイであるスーダンが危篤状態に陥りました。ジリーとマークはスーダンが亡くなる前に彫刻を完成させるため、3月14日、ニューヨークのアスタープレイスで「The Last Three」(という彫刻の製作)を開始しました。

Hundreds came to the opening along with an unprecedented amount of global press and public support. The sculpture was aligned with the free augmented reality app that brought the northern white rhinos to life, so that they could be seen loved and adopted all over the world.


 Then the unimaginable happened only three days after Gillie and Mark launched "The Last Three", Sudan died. The world stopped. The sculpture took on new importance as a memorial to the imminently extinct northern white rhinos. Thousands visited the last three.


People brought flowers to the base of the artwork and shared their grief. A passionate audience was ignited from New York to Sydney and everywhere in between. Hundreds of features across the world's biggest news outlets and millions of social media posts were shared about "The Last Three" and Sudan's death. 

多くの人々がこの作品の台座に花を手向け、悲しみを分かち合いました。ニューヨークからシドニーに至るまで、この知らせを聞いた人たちの情熱に火が付きました。世界の主要な報道機関では何百もの特集が組まれ、ソーシャルメディアは何百万もの投稿が「The Last Three」とスーダンの死について伝えました。

The sculpture fueled countless impressions both online and in Astor Place. Rhinos had the world's attention and Gillie and Mark knew this was the time for action. They created a global petition to demand trade sanctions be placed on Vietnam, the biggest consumer of rhino horns and driving force behind poaching with the entire world aware and inspired by "The Last Three" and Sudan's legacy. This generation will be remembered not for driving rhinos to extinction but for saving them.


(Gillie and Markのホームページより)


The Last Male Northern White Rhino on Earth





