Inside the serving hall, volunteers prepared trays of food and wiped down the countertops while Chef Aisha Prodani was hard at work making large portions of scrambled eggs in the kitchen, using some 90 dozen eggs for one serving alone. Ourien believes that these meals are not only a way to quench hunger, they are also a gateway to recovery and another level in that delicate layer of trust building.
Men and women alike formed a long line through the dining hall as they waited to be served what, for many, might be the only meals they would have that day. The harsh reality of the world and New York could not be more pronounced in that moment, extreme, harsh poetry between what is an otherwise wealthy neighborhood.
These hot meals have become an indispensable resource for individuals like 47-year-old Amir Beyah who, since the dawn of the COVID-19 pandemic, has undergone particularly trying times.
“The Bowery gives you a sense of pride, they don’t judge you when you come in,” Beyah told amNewYork Metro. “It is the one thing in New York City that is not spoken about enough that needs to be spoken about. For me I am on public assistance right now ever since the COVID, so I am in dire need of soap, clothing–so for the past two years I have been coming to get help.”
In order to help meet these basic human needs, the Bowery Mission offers units in which clients can shower and even has a large clothing supply they employ to help dress those who are in need or preparing for a job interview. However, Ourien says that the emergency shelter services are not a permanent solution. It is their aim to be the bridge that helps the undomiciled get back on their feet and find employment and housing.
“We see it as a short-term fix but you meet with a counselor, you sort of talk about your hopes and dreams and what you want to achieve for the future. And that sense of individualized planning for those individuals that come into the shelter,” Ourien said.
Ourien also touched on the gratitude he has for the work the mission has done and continues to do. But even with all the lives that have been changed due to their long-standing work, he feels that they are a drop in the ocean regarding the immense resources needed to combat the ever-growing rise in food insecurity and homelessness.
The question also arises: how is the mayor’s encampment sweeps affecting the work the Bowery Mission is doing with its clients? While not speaking on this directly, Ourien does query why homelessness is growing and what can be done to help quell the rise.
“Why is homelessness growing? What’s feeding our red doors with people in need of food, people in need of shelter. There’s something happening, like we cannot keep doing this, the part we’re playing is small. In the grand scheme of things that homelessness keeps growing, we need macro solutions to help fix the problem. And so we need a myriad of voices speaking to this from politics to corporate to individuals like you and I to step into this space and think how can I participate in changing the landscape of homelessness in New York City,” Ourien said.