Talking New York --- New Yorkで見つけた英語





10 reasons that make New Yorkers feel lucky to live in NYC, according to Reddit

10 reasons New Yorkers feel lucky to live in NYC

Written by Shaye Weaver  Thursday August 11 2022

New York City has its share of problems that New Yorkers gripe about and outsiders dramatize, but it only takes spending time here to see how great of a city it is.


On Reddit, a New Yorker asked their neighbors about what makes them feel lucky to live in NYC and hundreds chimed in with answers, from its unmatched diversity to simply being able to disappear into a crowd.


Below are the 10 most common answers as to what makes people feel lucky to live in NYC.


1. We have to walk everywhere and it’s good for us

New Yorkers walk more than any other American population and it shows. We walk miles a day to the subway, to work, back home and to get, well, anywhere. We’re regularly getting our steps in. Meanwhile, other cities and towns, where people rely more on cars can’t say the same. One week away from our beloved city and we find out very quickly that all our walking is actually a good thing.


“My family makes fun of how much I like to walk and the fact that they always feel like they’re running when they’re walking with me but at least it keeps me in pretty good shape so who’s laughing now?” BroadBaker5101 writes.


2. Being able to see Broadway shows and music artists on a weekly basis

Living in the cultural capital of the world (in our opinion) means being able to take advantage of all the talent that surrounds us. It’s not unusual for New Yorkers to catch a Broadway show often (especially when there are discounts) or see great music acts every week. Not many other places allow this and we certainly recognize our luck.


skymasterson2016 wrote that “Nowhere else in the country can you get this much high-quality theatre consolidated into just a few blocks radius.”


“Plus every band plays NYC,” daveinmd13 added. “If there is a tour, they are including NYC. I live near DC now and you would think it might offer similar opportunities, but it is not even close.”


3. There are SO many options

NYC is a city that has everything and multiple versions of everything. If one thing doesn’t suit you, there are a slew of other options. Sometimes it causes some mental overload and we can get decision paralysis but it’s mostly a great thing.


“Options: Food. Music. Travel (3 airports, amtrak and buses all nearby.) Shopping. Activities. Schools. Information. Transit,” Kaypeep answered.

ケイピープさんは、それに答えて、次のように書きました。「選択肢といえば、食べ物、音楽、旅行だね。(旅行では、3つの空港、アムトラック、バスがみんな自分の近くにあります。)それから、買い物、アクティビティ、学校 、情報、交通機関にもたくさんの選択肢がある。」

“You can eat at a different place for breakfast, lunch, and dinner, every day for the rest of your life, and STILL probably not run out of DIFFERENT options in NYC!” added NikiDeaf.


4. We have non-judgmental healthcare and abortion access

Because the city is full of people from all walks of life and has some of the best specialists in the world, our healthcare is unlike what you’d find elsewhere, plus Governor Kathy Hochul has vowed to keep abortion safe, legal, and accessible. That’s major right now considering the reversal we’re seeing in other states.


“One of my favorite docs I’ve had in NYC had a family practice in Washington heights. He also worked as an aids researcher, and was fluent in Thai and openly gay. You’d walk into his office and it would be a mixture of older gay men, Domican Immigrants and old thai couples who couldn’t speak much English. Great Doc and great vibes,” said chargeorge.


(映画『イン・ザ・ハイツ(In the Heights)』はワシントンハイツが舞台です。

5. The food in Astoria alone

Look, we know NYC’s many neighborhoods have the best food ever, but Astoria in particular is the epitome of the kind of amazing cuisine that can be found in our city. Several Redditors commented about this neighborhood’s offerings alone.


“I remember a little Chinese food shop called Dragon Phoenix by the last stop on the N train had the best Chinese food. Everything is so good there. And a place on Broadway where they had a giant pot bubbling over with green onions in the window. I can’t remember the name. So much good food,” wrote Greedy_Explanation_7.


ドラゴンフェニックスをGoogle Earthで探しました。これです。



