Talking New York --- New Yorkで見つけた英語






Reasons for Optimism in 2023

Even in a world facing many challenges, there are reasons to be hopeful about next year and beyond.

By Andrew Ross Sorkin, Ravi Mattu, Bernhard Warner, Sarah Kessler, Stephen Gandel, Michael J. de la Merced, Lauren Hirsch and Ephrat Livni
 Dec. 27, 2022

Rich countries agreed to do more to help poor nations cope with climate disasters. And major scientific breakthroughs brought us a tad closer to long-held ambitions like nuclear fusion power and curing cancer.


Even as the world faces many challenges, there are reasons to be hopeful about 2023 and beyond.


We’re a little closer to a new source of clean energy. 
After a major breakthrough in nuclear fusion this month, investors are pouring money into companies that want to harness the type of energy that powers the sun and stars. Fusion, if it could be deployed on a large scale, would offer a nearly limitless pollution-free energy source. 



Scientists at Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory in California finally reached that milestone this month. While it could still be decades before fusion becomes a practical power source, the accomplishment is a big step toward that goal.


Wall Street and venture capitalists are bullish on green tech, too. 
In his year-end letter, Bill Gates notes that climate-related R. & D. has grown nearly a third since the 2015 Paris accords. Private capital investment in the sector is on the upswing too, with $70 billion spent over the past two years. From that, new technologies to address climate issues are continuing to emerge. 

ビル・ゲイツは年末の手紙の中で、気候関連のR&D(Research & Development---研究開発)が2015年のパリ協定以降、3分の1近く成長していることを指摘しています。民間資本によるこの分野への投資も増加傾向にあり、過去2年間で700億ドルが投入されました。その中から、気候問題に対応する新技術が続々と生まれています。

Bots probably won’t take your job — and could make it easier.
Fears that technology will replace human workers are as old as technology, and they were raised once again in November when a company called OpenAI released ChatGPT, an automated writing program. But AI experts have long insisted that such technologies have limitations that prevent them from fully replacing humans. What the bots can do well is make grunt work easier. One example that went viral shortly after ChatGPT’s release: A Palm Beach doctor posted a video of himself dictating a letter to an insurance company.

Real progress is being made in tackling child poverty. 
The number of children in America living below the poverty line has plummeted by 59 percent since 1993. The improvements coincide with more generous state and federal subsidies for working families, and changes to welfare laws that make it easier for struggling households to apply for assistance programs.


We’re getting closer to cancer vaccines. 
Researchers have long thought that it was possible to immunize individuals at high risk of cancer, or even cure cancer in those who were already showing signs of it. Until recently, they had made little progress, but now promising results from preliminary studies are giving some doctors new hope. Moderna said this month that a skin cancer vaccine performed well in midstage trials. Moderna and others are working on dozens of other vaccines to treat various other cancers.


New ways of working are becoming commonplace.
Hybrid arrangements are well-established at many companies (even as some C.E.O.s are finding success getting staff back to the office more regularly). But another experiment is gaining traction: Not one of 33 companies that piloted a four-day workweek for six months as part of a large-scale study this year said they would return to a standard schedule. The firms, which together have more than 900 employees, also reported higher revenue and employee productivity.




