Talking New York --- New Yorkで見つけた英語



最近、高校生で留学経験がある生徒が増えました。いわゆる「帰国子女」と言われる海外で生活して、帰国した生徒もいます。そうした生徒のみならず、将来グローバルに活躍したいと思っている生徒に、"The School of The New York Times"の2週間のプログラムの動画を紹介したいと思います。

NYC Summer Academy

New York is the center of so many things ー  findings, fashion,and art.  And the whole city's a classroom and this building stands at the very center of it. 

ニューヨークは数多くのもの 例えば、状報、ファッションの中心地であり、街全体の一部が教室で、この建物はその中心に建っているのです。

You walk in and you see a New York Times and huge bold letters and I'm like "Oh My Gosh!" I'm here this is where the magic happens." 


When you think about culture, you think about literature, fashion, film. The school of the New York Times is really at the forefront of that because of its relationship to great thinkers and writers that have come out of this hallowed respected incredible newspaper.


Using New York City as our classroom, you're going out into the streets of New York and
you're seeing where the industry takes place for real.


I think the topics that these classes going to our perfect topics to study.


Every tour I go on and every experience I have makes me think immediately afterwards
I want to do that when I'm older.


Feels like a college class like I learned things here that I would never learn back at home.


I felt I wasn't just kind of being told the average thing.  I felt like I really knew something about it.

Being in New York was a huge upside because it gave her the opportunity to have a safe environment here in the dorms with a small group of kids but also be exploring this incredible city and everything it has to offer.


In the classroom that we had, there was so many different types of people and we all just loved it.


The classes are really fun, you're in New York, you're gonna meet really cool people and it is an experience that you're gonna remember for a very long time. And the professors are all really big names to be able to say that I did that and all of those learning experiences I thought that was really cool.


It doesn't get any better than New York City and what better in New York City than the New York Times.


(The School of The New York Timesより)



