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What Were the Best and Worst Parts of Your Summer Vacation?
Did you attend a concert, eat a delicious meal, deal with extreme weather or partake in the movie event of the year? Whatever was most memorable for you, we want to hear about it.
Josephine Sittenfeld
By Natalie Proulx
Sept. 4, 2023
Over the past three months, The New York Times has been cataloging the highs and lows of the season. Maybe you experienced some of these moments yourself, or maybe they remind you of other things you did. Whatever was most memorable for you, we want to hear about it.
For example, maybe you …
… attended a concert, such as a stop on Taylor Swift’s Eras Tour, which Ben Sisario said “dominated the summer”:
誰かのコンサートに行ったとか。『テイラー・スウィフトの時代』というコンサートに行った、 ベン・シサリオさんは、そのツアーについて、「この夏を吹っ飛ばした」という感想を次のように書いています。
The pop superstar’s tour, which is now finishing its initial North American leg with six nights at SoFi Stadium outside Los Angeles, has been both a business and a cultural juggernaut. Swift’s catalog of generation-defining hits and canny marketing sense have helped her achieve a level of white-hot demand and media saturation not seen since the 1980s heyday of Michael Jackson and Madonna.
… partook in the movie event of the year. According to Kyle Buchanan:
With the dual opening of “Barbie,” Greta Gerwig’s comedy based on the Mattel doll, and Christopher Nolan’s “Oppenheimer,” a biopic about the mastermind behind the atomic bomb, the pop culture phenomenon of “Barbenheimer” is upon us. Though the movies are wildly different in style and tone, by helpfully landing on the same day, the buildup has so captured the public consciousness that many movie fans, who have been slow to return to theaters at all, are eager to watch two of the year’s most anticipated titles back-to-back.
… watched the Women’s World Cup, or played or watched other sports. Rory Smith said of Spain’s soccer win:
... あるいは、女子ワールドカップを観戦したり、他のスポーツをやったり、観戦したりしたとか。ローリー・スミスさんはスペインの優勝について次のように言っています。
Spain is champion of the world, testament to an enduring truth of soccer, of sports. Talent can conquer absolutely anything. It can even take a team, one that had prepared for this World Cup in arguably the worst possible way, to the biggest game of all, the grandest stage, and then sweep it past England, the European champion, the favorite, the game’s new heavyweight, by a single goal, 1-0.
… ate some delicious summer foods, like the ones Nikita Richardson highlighted in “17 Summer Recipes Our Food Staff Can’t Wait to Make”:
Summer can be a punishing time of year — the heat! — but it can also be the most rewarding, full of juicy stone fruit consumed precariously over the kitchen sink, plump tomatoes fresh from the market (or the garden, if you’re lucky) and impromptu beach days that call for recipes both simple and satisfying.
ニキータ・リチャードソンが担当した、 "17 Summer Recipes Our Food Staff Can't Wait to Make "の記事はこちらです。⇓
Or maybe you were plagued by summer nuisances, like the ones in this quiz on the most annoying and terrifying parts of summer in New York City:
Roaches: As the most common New York City roommate who doesn’t pay rent, the cockroach has been a local pest for decades, if not centuries. A 1988 study claimed the city’s cockroach population might be declining — but years later, evidence from inside your apartment building says otherwise.
ゴキブリが出たのです!ゴキブリは 家賃を払わないニューヨークのルームメイトで、何世紀にもわたってとは言わないまでも、何十年もの間、ニューヨークの害虫でした。1988年の調査で、ニューヨークのゴキブリの生息数は減少している可能性があると言われていましたが、数年後、みなさんのアパートの建物内部から出てきた証拠によると、そうでもなさそうです。
Were your plans disrupted by extreme weather? Mac Schwerin covered that in “Is This the End of the Summer Vacation as We Know It?”:
異常気象で予定がダメになったのですか?マック・シュヴェリンが「これは夏休みの終わりをつげるものか?(Is This the End of the Summer Vacation as We Know It?)」で書いていましたね。
You can’t escape the orange. That’s what travelers this summer have been reckoning with — swaths of tangerine, traffic cone and burnt sienna on maps indicating record high temperatures around the globe. Four concurrent heat domes from the southern United States to East Asia descended on millions — Phoenix residents enduring 31 days of 110-degree-plus temperatures. Italians in more than a dozen cities under extreme weather warnings. And in South Korea, at least 125 people were hospitalized for heat-related conditions at the World Scout Jamboree.
What magical moments did you experience this summer?
What annoyed you this summer?
What were the best and worst things you saw in pop culture or sports this summer?
What was a low point of your summer?
What are you looking forward to as the season comes to an end?
Students 13 and older in the United States and Britain, and 16 and older elsewhere, are invited to comment. All comments are moderated by the Learning Network staff, but please keep in mind that once your comment is accepted, it will be made public and may appear in print.
Teachers, check out this guide to learn how to incorporate these prompts into your classroom.