“My mom had gotten a link that said her PayPal account had been compromised. She gave this person permission to screen-share with her computer. They got her to buy two $500 Target gift cards. Many hours later, she showed up at my house, still on the phone with them. I took the phone and hung up. She had a box of books that was stuffed with $17,000 in cash that she was about to send to them. I asked her how she got so much money from her bank, and she said that the people on the phone had told her to tell her bank that she was buying a car.”
Miki DeVivo, 46, Anthem, Ariz.
“I got a phone call from a person claiming to be with the police who told me that I had missed jury duty. He said that I had to pay a bond to not be arrested. He had told me that the only way they process bonds is in Visa gift cards. Saying it now, I know it’s crazy. Eventually I got $750 worth of gift cards and sent them off. On Monday I walked myself over to the police station. I walk in there and tell this lady that I am turning myself in. She was like: ‘You’ve been scammed. You wouldn’t have to pay a fine in gift cards if you missed jury duty!’”
「警察にいるという人物から電話がかかってきて、私が陪審員の義務を怠って、逮捕されないためには保釈金を払わなければならないと言われました。保釈金はVISAギフトカードでしか処理できないと言われました。今だから言うけど、おかしいですよね。結局、750ドル分のギフトカードを買って送りました。月曜日、私は歩いて警察署に行き、出頭するために来たことをそこにいた女性にいいました。すると、その女性がこう言ったのです。「 あなたは詐欺にあったのよ。陪審員を欠席しても、ギフトカードで罰金を払わなきゃいけないなんてことないでしょ。って。」
Victoria Bartholomew, 34, Lynchburg, Va.
“I got a Venmo request from my sibling. It said: ‘Hey, I’m at the store. Forgot my wallet. If you could cover me I’ll get you back as soon as I get home.’ It was kind of weird, but I love them to death and don’t want them to be in a bind. The request that came through had the same profile picture and username — I would discover later that someone had added a dash at the end. I sent $209. Eventually, I reported it to Venmo and they said, ‘Sorry, you authorized the transaction.’”
「兄弟から(個人間送金アプリの)ベンモを頼みたいというメールがあったんです。『今、お店にいるんだけど、財布を忘れた。代わりに払ってくれたら、家に帰ったらすぐに返す。』というものでした。ちょっと変な感じだったけど、私は彼らをすごく愛しているし、困ったまま放っておけないって思いました。後で、要請画面のプロフィール写真とユーザー名が同じで、最後にダッシュが付けられていたことがわかりました。私は209ドルを送金しました。ベンモに問い合わせをすると、結局、『申し訳ありませんが、あなたはその取引を承認したことになっています 』と言われました。」
Rachel Platner, 32, Atlanta
Talking to others about their experiences sent me down an internet rabbit hole about scammers, and I discovered an entire subculture devoted to baiting them.
I began obsessively watching YouTube videos of people trying to “scam the scammers,” like the account of a software engineer from Northern Ireland who uses the pseudonym Jim Browning to protect his privacy. On his channel, which has over four million subscribers, he creates content to educate people about common tactics of scammers and how to catch them in the act.
私は夢中で 「詐欺師を騙そうとする 」人々のYouTubeを見始めました。そのチャンネルは
“I go to extremes,” he said about the tactics he uses to turn the tables on con artists. “If they’re using computers, do they have a webcam or CCTV? Can I see the guy that’s trying to scam me? I’ve changed the robocall messages that they’ve sent out. I’ve made videos where I’ve sent harmless devices into scam call centers. I teamed up with Mark Rober — an ex-NASA engineer — and we managed to send things that released cockroaches and mice. That was an attempt to poke a bit of fun at the scammers.
The mechanics of scamming are as old as time, but technology has made it more sophisticated. “There will always be scammers, there always have been,” the software engineer from Northern Ireland said. “The only thing that’s changed is the technology that they use.”
Mr. Breyault, the fraud expert, agreed.
"Every time a new technology comes along, the fraudsters are going to try to figure out how to use it."
He also said that generative A.I. could be used by scammers to make their ruses more sophisticated.
"It's hard to say now that A.I. is going to revolutionize scamming. I just don't know enough. But with Generative A.I., it's much easier for a scammer to make their pitches sound convincing."
Eventually I let my scammer know that I knew what was really going on. What I got back was a confession:
I know it's mean but it's for survival. We just taking a few of what you have to pay bills and survive.
Was this person really in dire straits? I’ll never know. But at that point the only thing to do was walk away.
Jim Browning(文中のジム・ブラウニング氏)のYou Tubeはこちらです。
Beating Scammers at Their Own Game | Super Users