Talking New York --- New Yorkで見つけた英語






How Long Does the Average New Year's Resolution Last?

If you find yourself in the camp of setting lofty goals for the new year only to find yourself falling off the wagon just months (or weeks) later, rest assured that you’re not alone. In fact, failing at New Year’s resolutions is so common that there’s even a slew of (unofficial) dates commemorating such failures—some sources cite “Ditch New Year’s Resolutions Day” as January 17 while others denote the second Friday in January as “Quitter’s Day.”

新年の目標を高く掲げても、数カ月(あるいは数週間)後には挫折してしまうという人は、あなただけではありませんので安心してください。実際、新年の抱負に失敗することはよくあることで、そのような挫折の(非公式な)記念日がたくさんあるほどです。ある情報筋は、1月17日を「新年の抱負を捨てる日」としていますし、他の情報筋は1月の第2金曜日を 「すぐあきらめるヤツの日」 としています。
The Forbes Health/One Poll survey found that the average resolution lasts just 3.74 months. Only 8% of respondents tend to stick with their goals for one month, while 22% last two months, 22% last three months and 13% last four months.


The types of goals you set also matters when it comes to success. Research in PLoS One suggests action-oriented goals are more likely to result in success after a year than avoidance-oriented goals (58.9% versus 47.1% in this specific data set)[1].

成功させようと思うと どのような目標をたてるかが重要です。プロスワン(PLoS One)の研究によると、1年後の成功の可能性としては、「やろう」という目標のほうが、「やめよう」という目標よりも高いということです。(このデータでは58.9%対47.1%になっています。⇒データについてはこちらです。

But the beauty of goal setting is you don’t need a ball drop or cannons of confetti to signal a fresh start—you can recommit to your resolutions at any time. In fact, June 1 is unofficially known by many as “New Year’s Resolution Recommitment Day,” giving you the perfect opportunity to take stock of where you are with your resolutions and hit reset if necessary.


How Many People Make New Year's Resolutions?

Setting a New Year’s resolution is an incredibly common practice, especially in the U.S. A 2022 poll by YouGov indicated that 37% of Americans said they had a goal or resolution they wanted to achieve in 2023, with 87% saying they were very or somewhat likely to keep it through the year. Interestingly, another study found the practice of resolution setting may be more common in the U.S., as similar polls in Sweden found just 12% to 14% of people set goals for the new year[1].


U.S. adults are also ambitious when it comes to New Year’s resolutions. A separate 2020 survey from New Urban Plates/Ipsos revealed that while nearly two in five respondents had a goal in mind for the upcoming year, 18% reported having multiple goals[2].

米国の成人はまた、とても強い決意で新年の抱負を立てています。「ニュー・アーバン・プレイス」と「イプソス」(New Urban Plates/Ipsos)が行った2020年の別の調査では、回答者のほぼ5人に2人が新年の目標を立て、しかも18%が複数の抱負を立てているそうです。(資料はこちらです。)

6月1日が、「新年の抱負の再表明の日」ということをご存じでしたか?日本であまり知られていないのは、新年の抱負を忘れずに頑張っているか、新年の抱負なんてとっくに忘れていて、さらに再表明の日があることさえ忘れていたかのどちらかですね。( ´艸`)


