タイムズスクェアのボールドロップ(Times Square Ball Drop)には、世界中から約100万人が集まるというのですから、警備も大変です。
"DAILY NEWS"のホームページの記事です。(2017年12月28日付)
→ 原文と画像はこちら。
NYPD steps up security for New Year’s Eve ball drop in Times Square
Concrete barriers, special explosives-sniffing dogs and armed cops in surrounding hotels will be just some of the security measures in place Sunday when police lock down Times Square for the annual ball drop ceremony.
In the wake of recent terror and gun rampage attacks in New York and across the nation, the NYPD is taking no chances, pulling out all the safety stops in its bid to keep the city safe.
Just eight weeks after an accused terrorist barreled a rented truck along a West Side Highway bike path and killed eight people, authorities are using concrete barriers and sand trucks to prevent a similar attack.
Trucks will be barred altogether from between W. 34th and West 59th streets between 6th and 8th avenues. And, 125 parking garages in the city will be closed, just in case.
But the biggest security enhancement — an unfortunate nod to the bloodthirsty madman who shot and killed dozens of Las Vegas concert goers from a hotel window in October — will be the presence of police at every hotel surrounding Times Square.
しかし、最も大きいセキュリティー強化はタイムズスクェア周辺のホテルすべてに景観が配置されることです。これは、10 月に多くのラスベガスのコンサートに行く人をホテルの窓から銃で殺害した残虐な狂人がいたため、しょうがないことです。
"There's a huge responsibility on all of us to keep New York safe," said Mayor de Blasio. "We understand why we are a target. Because of our success, terrorists want to disrupt us."
De Blasio and Police Commissioner James O'Neill said that there was no known specific threat against the city, but stressed the need to be vigilant at all times. De Blasio also pointed out the role New Yorkers play.
これなら、安心して明日のBall Dropを楽しめそうですね!