Talking New York --- New Yorkで見つけた英語



まだまだ再開のめどが立たないニューヨーク。あれもこれもダメでは、どんどん気分も落ち込んでしまう。そんな中、市民を少しでも励まそうという動きがあちこちで生まれています。政府主導であろうと、NPO、NGOの活動であろうと、また、個人的なアイデアであろうと、"New York Tough!" (ニューヨークタフ!)を合言葉にみんなが団結して頑張っています。「ニューヨークはタフだ」なら、"New York is tough"になるはず。"be"動詞の省略は、コピーでもやられている書き方ですが、クオモ知事が"We're New York Tough!"と言った時、これは、「自分たちは、ニューヨーク(流に、級に、版に)タフなんです」と響いて、しっくりきました。("tough"は形容詞です。だから"New York"は副詞として"tough"にかかっている、というのがMisTyの解釈です。。。)ニューヨークがそれほど大きいんだ、という強さも伝わってきます。


New York libraries team up with local museums for a virtual ‘Culture Pass’ 

                                                            Posted On Tue, June 30, 2020
                                                                                   By Dana Schulz



             Photo of the Museum of Natural History by Aditya Vyas 

Two summers ago, Brooklyn Public Library, the New York Public Library, and Queens Public Library launched Culture Pass, a program that provided free access to more than 30 museums and cultural institutions for library card holders. With all of these locations closed or operating at limited capacity during the pandemic, the three libraries have teamed up to take Culture Pass digital this summer, launching a new series of more than 70 original online programs, which will be free for children and adults through August 20.


As a press release explains, “Culture Pass will provide digital programs on subjects ranging from Native American history to music classes to understanding the census and more.” There are 75 participating institutions, which include the American Museum of Natural History, Bronx Museum of the Arts, Brooklyn Children’s Museum, the Met, MoMA, Museum of the Moving Image, Museum of the City of New York, New York Botanical Garden, New York Transit Museum, The Shed, and Second Stage Theater.



The initiative kicked off yesterday with a children’s program from the Intrepid Sea, Air & Space Museum. Some upcoming offerings are a workshop on colonial toys and games from the Queens Historical Society; a behind-the-scenes look at the Covid-19 collecting initiatives of Brooklyn Historical Society, Queens Public Library and Brooklyn Public Library; and a teen class on cartoon illustration from the Jamaica Center for Arts and Learning.
As New York City begins to reopen, the libraries will work with their partner institutions on resuming some regular programming.



