地下鉄の赤ちゃん Part 4 赤ちゃんの名前が決定!その名前には深い訳が・・・。
"Our Subway Baby"のPart 4です。
ブログでは、今までPart1~Part 3まで載せています。
- Our Subway Baby
- Dial Books
- 本
After that, the adoption process began quickly. There were home visits, background checks and lots of questions to answer. Danny and Pete were told it would take months for the baby to be placed in their home, so they would have lots of time to prepare.
But they had to attend a court hearing on 20 December to state their intention to adopt the baby. The same judge was presiding, and she glanced down at the calendar on her desk.
"She looks back up at us and she says, 'How would you like him for the holiday?'" says Pete. "I think we both nodded, yes, but internally, I'm thinking, 'What holiday? I hope she's not meaning Christmas, because that's in a couple of days.'"
But that was what she meant and she started issuing orders to the caseworker and the attorneys to have the baby ready to pick up from the foster care agency in two days.
Back at home Pete called his family for help.
He'd already told them about their adoption plans, and got their full support.
"I said we're going to name him Kevin, and my mum just started bawling, because she had had a baby before me that died on birth, and they were naming that baby Kevin," says Pete.
"So this was just sort of a weird way of their baby Kevin coming back to them again as a grandchild from their gay son."
不定期にはさんで出しますから、Don't miss it!よ。