5月2日、政治専門ウェブサイトPOLITICOが、中絶の権利を認めた1973年の「ロウ対ウエード判決(Roe v. Wade)」を覆すことに9人の判事のうち過半数以上が賛成しているとリークしました。⇒こちらにその記事があります。
妊娠中絶禁止派は "pro-life"(プロライフ)といい、「妊娠中絶は女性の選択の権利である」とするのが"pro-choice"(プロチョイス)です。
Roe v. Wade(ロウ対ウェイド)について、Wikipediaから次の説明を引用します。
ロー対ウェイド事件(ローたいウェイドじけん、Roe v. Wade, 410 U.S. 113 (1973))は、「妊娠を継続するか否かに関する女性の決定は、プライバシー権に含まれる」として、アメリカ合衆国憲法修正第14条が女性の堕胎の権利を保障していると初めて判示し、人工妊娠中絶を規制するアメリカ国内法を違憲無効とした、1973年のアメリカ合衆国最高裁判所の判決である。
MAY 10, 2022
Governor Hochul Announces Nation-leading $35 Million Investment to Support Abortion Providers in New York
Governor Kathy Hochul today announced a nation-leading $35 million investment to directly support abortion providers in anticipation of the Supreme Court overturning Roe v. Wade. Governor Hochul directed the Department of Health to create a $25 million Abortion Provider Support Fund for abortion providers in order to both expand capacity and ensure access for patients seeking abortion care in New York. The Governor also announced $10 million for reproductive health care centers to access security grants through the Division of Criminal Justice Services to help ensure the safety of the providers performing this vital care.
"New York has always been at the forefront of the fight for abortion rights, and as the first female Governor of New York, I will not let us go backwards," Governor Hochul said. "I will never stop fighting to make New York a safe harbor for all who need care and a blueprint for other states to follow. To truly guarantee that everyone who needs an abortion can get one in New York State, we must ensure that providers have the resources, capacity, and protections they need. This landmark funding will get resources into the hands of clinics who need our help -- safeguarding access to abortion in our state and setting an example for the rest of the nation to follow."
Abortion Provider Support Fund
Governor Hochul today directed the Department of Health to allocate $25 million to create the State's first abortion provider fund and the nation's largest such fund. The Department of Health will release an expedited application for both grant and reimbursement requests from providers, and will begin distributing funds to providers by the time a final Supreme Court decision would be released.
Security Grants for Reproductive Health Centers
Governor Hochul also directed the Division of Criminal Justice Services to administer $10 million in funding for safety and security capital grants for abortion providers and reproductive health centers to further secure their facilities and ensure the safety of patients and staff. A request for proposals to allow organizations to apply is expected to be issued by the time a final Supreme Court decision would be released. Application of this new funding will be modeled after Governor Hochul's Securing Communities Against Hate Crimes program, which provides grants to strengthen safety and security measures at buildings owned or operated by nonprofit organizations at risk of hate crimes or attacks because of their ideology, beliefs, or missions.
Under Governor Hochul's leadership, New York has taken actions to provide access to quality, affordable reproductive healthcare - including abortion services. Earlier this year, the Department of Health finalized regulations aligning New York law with clinical standards to remove barriers to service delivery, including abortion via telemedicine, and last week sent guidance to providers regarding their legal right to provide abortion services. The Governor has also convened an Abortion Access Working Group, meeting regularly with patients, providers, and advocates to guide state policy and respond to on-the-ground needs, and enshrined into law a requirement for health plans to cover abortion services without cost-sharing in the State Budget.
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