Talking New York --- New Yorkで見つけた英語




Which Autumn Tree Are You? | Central Park Conservancy


You’re an American sweetgum!

You’re a quirky one with a loud personality and boy do you know how to express it. Not everyone can rock star-shaped leaves that turn yellow, orange, red, and purple in the fall. Or how about those spiky, ball-shaped fruits and green, hairy flowers? You aren’t afraid of what people think of your funky style, and you always stand tall in who you are (often at 70–100 feet). Let your freak flag fly!


The American sweetgum is native to eastern North America and South America and was likely growing wild in the area long before the Park’s creation. This tree is noted for its star-shaped leaves that turn a range of colors during the fall season. In the wild, it can live up to 400 years! Find the American sweetgum throughout the Park, but especially near the Blockhouse in the North Woods.



You’re a sugar maple!

You’re a real sweetheart who’s never afraid to be sappy. Everything about you exudes nostalgia, from your recognizable leaf shape to your stunningly bright fall foliage. The people love you (hello, state tree of New York) and you love them back. After all, there’s nothing wrong with pandering to your audience when you know it’s just the sweetness they’re looking for.


The sugar maple is native to the eastern United States and Canada and commonly associated with the fall season. Also known as a sugar tree and a sweet maple, its sap is used to make syrups and sugars. In the Park, sugar maples can be found at the North Meadow and by the Pool, distinguished by their effervescent fall colors and lobed leaves.


You’re a common baldcypress!

You go with the flow—literally. Swamps? Not a problem. Rivers? Sure thing. The Harlem Meer in Central Park? Sounds great. You’re an adaptable, no-complaints, lowkey kind of person, able to plant yourself in most situations with ease and comfort. Maybe it’s your calm demeanor or perhaps it’s your tendency to people-please, but we think your flexibility is rooted in the fact that you stand on the shoulders of giants. Your ancestors, after all, are the sequoias and California redwoods.

文字通り、流れに身を任せる人です。沼地は?問題ない。川は?もちろん大丈夫。 セントラルパークのハーレムミールは?いいんじゃないですか。あなたは順応性があり、文句を言わず、控えめなタイプで、どんな状況でも簡単に、そして気持ちよく身を置くことができます。その穏やかな態度のせいか、あるいは誰でもご機嫌にさせる傾向があるせいか、あなたに柔軟性があるのは、巨木から枝分かれした種だという事実に根ざしていると思われます。あなたの祖先は、セコイアとカリフォルニア・レッドウッドなのですから。

The common baldcypress is often mistaken for an evergreen because it forms cones and drops needles, but this showstopper is indeed deciduous. Native to the southeastern United States, it is often found by water, hence its status as the state tree of Louisiana. Another distinctive feature of the baldcypress? It forms “knees” that extend from its base. These forms were once thought to support the tree with oxygen flow, but theories are emerging that they are actually there to offer more stability to the tree in especially water-bound environments. During the autumn season, these trees are noted by the russet red color of their needles just before they drop. You can find baldcypresses at the Harlem Meer in the north end of the Park.




